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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Essentially yes.
  2. I hope you don't think we're actually making money. Lol. We just break even monthly basically on managing/hardware/license costs.
  3. Currently: Marijuana usage will increase your hunger and will give you a meme like gary said. Heroin gives you aids vision Cocaine will give you aids vision but reduce A3 fatigue for the duration of the aids vision Meth will reduce incoming damage by 25% like Dili said. You can die from doing an excessive amount of meth. Shrooms will give you aids vision Beer & Moonshine will make you drunk Frog will also give you poop vision.
  4. You would want to ask an administrative staff member that question. I don't decide who gets compensated and who doesn't. IF it was me, I'd compensate you if you showed a quick video/gif of yourself removing them from your inventory or something. However, that's just me... So all I can say is make a comp request and find out.
  5. The next update sometime in the next day or two (prolly 2, got a tad busy weekend) will include a processing time adjustment as well as adjusting how much the drugs will be searched for.
  6. Trying to feel good or something? @Google got ya down? Needing to pull up old pictures and try to get a reaction out of people or something? Haha.
  7. Yeah, the picture Ignis posted and the turtle one are somewhat recent (March 2017). I was leaning over on a bench towards a little gecko fucking lizard thing in Tampa, FL and my neck got all squished looking like a turtle. The Reddit RoastMe is from December 2015... sooo... to be expected??? Look different now too. Style my hair high and tight basically. Makes me look quite different.
  8. Not new. Have been handling all things web related basically since Dili took over. Yes. Once upon a time I was a turtle.
  9. This. The person losing money has to regain it somehow...
  10. So you're saying you want people to be able to just ram your car with theirs and if they break a wheel to "immobilize" you now it's fair game to just blow each other away.. Okay.
  11. Since when do you rotor tap with bullets?
  12. No I shot his tire... When did a tire become the same thing as a player? Wut?
  13. So. If I shoot out some tires on a truck, don't even strike the driver once. He then gets out and shoots at me, which I then in turn claim self defense and lay his ass out and kill him. I'm now going to be banned for RDM even though... technically he is the one who attempted to RDM me but failed? At that point we were both claiming self defense.
  14. Support ticket. - general inquiry
  15. Jesse


    Are you making your crates have a full storage bar? If so, probably your issue. However, when you store/add things to your home, especially when the server is having very poor performance you can suffer loss of data. All should be fine here on out though as we have found the issue causing the performance decrease.
  16. I mean I don't disagree. I had that exact same experience when I got cop here. Other arguments and such however were things like that sAPD doesn't want to make even more work and some other stuff along those lines. IDK. I agree with it, however doesn't mean everyone else does.
  17. Previous chief had made several remarks of trainings being useless, etc, for blackwaters, feds, jails. That they wouldn't help at all. Coming from Asylum, I felt that the APD trainings were useful for those who only played mainly cop, etc. Dunno if Rex has the same feeling of this. However, as of now we don't do it because it was shot down several times as something that is not needed. Most certainly would be do-able, however, only would do it if it were to be used.
  18. Plus, there should also be code preventing APD from locking the dome while civilians are nearby.
  19. IF you're getting that then you clearly haven't played lately... Also, see above. The Y menu is only updated every 15 minutes at min.
  20. Yeah because it can only be refreshed every 15 minutes. To prevent people from abusing it.
  21. Shops or Y menu?
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