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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 1 hour ago, Harles said:

    u obv know nothing. i was just using today on pvp server tanking. with carrier lite. :)

    ur fking dumb kid shhh

    Literally works non stop on this server with the other devs, and has a life outside of Olympus. You are able to play because of everything he implemented. Your seriously about to say he knows nothing? Find a fix yourself, and if you do notify the staff :P .

  2. Alright so as promised im gonna be starting my monthly giveaway. I was debating whether or not I wanted to do it today or not since @Proud and @Savage already started one, but eh who gives af.

    This months game is gonna be the community's choice. Meaning the winner of the giveaway gets to chose what game they get with a limit of $35. Could be multiple games, could be 1, you just cant surpass the limit. Giveaway ends at Midnight EST.

    How to enter:

    Guess a number between 1 - 500

    Comment what game(s) you would like to receive


    You cannot be banned from Olympus Servers

    You cannot be toxic/spamming me about the giveaway

    Do not pick a number somebody has already picked

    How a winner is picked:

    I will be recording me picking the number through a randomizer and putting it in this post. Remember if you don't win, there's always next month :) 


    Good Luck

    Olympus' Jew Ryan

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