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Everything posted by xDRO

  1. I mean, It seems to be an easy fix. By adding stats and shit like that it will make people want to fight and be the best. Also @Peter Long could do a GW at the end of each season and wouldnt have the community up his ass about hosting one every month.
  2. One night a week lets do a Team Deathmatch event type thing, call it Friday Night Fights or something. Basically we'll pick a day during the week to make the Admins/Mods host a Gang Wars type Deathmatch event. 5 man teams (a smaller version of GW so it wouldn't take as long) Gangs can wager other Gangs for War points/Money. Cops/Vigis can't interfere Winner of each match receives a certain amount of Prize Money Keep track of Wins and Losses for each Gang. Keep track of Kills and Deaths of each participant. Gangs with the best records can advance to an actual Gang Wars with bigger payouts/prizes. Everyone already said its not about having the cap, its about the fun of fighting. So lets give people a dedicated time to fight.
  3. If there are any Asylum players here on Olympus that plan on leaving, Could you please do us all a favor and take this dude with you? Thanks
  4. Thanks everyone! Im excited to be a part of the team

    1. Creepy


      eta on mystery machine?

  5. Best drummer in the game

  6. During a raid where they can endlessly come back without wave rule. Not logical lol
  7. How are we asking for a mile? Other then fighting till restart, give me one logical example of how to stop a search on a gang shed. Ill wait.
  8. I mean during the process of a shed raid... Say we kill most of APD but left one member up not knowing he was hiding. He then sees us pull trucks and load shit into them and tails us to whichever house we store it. He can relay that evidence to you and you can now raid our house/trucks also correct?
  9. So let's say we were to load up the shine into a hemtt during that process all APD would've had to do was witness and tail us to our house and that would give you enough evidence to search our trucks and house correct? Regardless of bounty?
  10. If a lower rank informs you that he saw a wanted criminal accessing a house/shed are you still allowed to search? Or do you have to personally witness?
  11. https://youtu.be/S-T97FUd6hI Like I said, make it a redzone then. Its essentially like a fed event anyway but for cops. They are in search of illegal drugs based off of illegal activity, why shouldnt be treated as an illegal area during the process? Or give APD some kind of device to be able to search so we can defuse or something. The point of this post is to make a point that it's currently in favor of APD. Can we all at least agree on that?
  12. All I'm asking is that cops have to follow wave rule during a search of a gangshed. Only thing that would do is allow Civs a chance to NOT get raided. As it stands there is no way to stop a search other then server restart or destroying it which results in a ban.
  13. So when is it deemed unclear? When is the APD supposed to back off and accept defeat? Never. Basically you're saying there is no timer on how long we have to fight, just how long he gets to search after the fight? Seems fair.
  14. Literally flaws in everything you said.. "Kill 2-3 cops it takes them 3-6 mins to come back." ( This could work if they were there at the same time but the come back 1 by 1 there is never a moment to pull trucks or access inventory.) "Load up 2 hemmts and have 2 innocent people drive the drugs to their houses." ( All APD has to do is get visual of this and now they have reason to seize trucks and raid our houses.) If they came back together your idea would work, but they dont, they die then come back 1 by 1 until they win. After this incident there was 1 APD orca and about 30 hatchbacks at our gangshed. You're viewing this issue as an APD member, not as a person with logic. Make a gangshed raid a redzone then. You're intentions are to raid ILLEGAL drugs based on ILLEGAL activity. Why shouldn't it be treated as an ILLEGAL situation?
  15. Your not getting what I'm saying. For example APD SIDE: SrAPD sees us online and assumes we are doing runs from our shed, he then decides to camp the shed for 15mins to catch one of us interacting with it. One he has his evidence he has 45 mins of endless respawn for APD to come back over and over untill he completes his search. CIV SIDE: Gets notified of search has to endlessly kill cops for 45 mins straight without any way of moving what's in the shed or stopping the search. If you cant see this is in favor of the APD you're blind. Not to mention we have regear and wait out NLR after we get lethaled.
  16. When APD was getting tased at federal events what did the server do? Made rules to make it even for BOTH sides. This is severely in favor of the APD. Making APD follow wave rule during a gang shed search is clear cut, so is not allowing them to stay in the same spot for 15 mins. They cant camp redzones for drug busts, why are they allowed to camp gang sheds for drug busts?
  17. I never said risk free....read the whole post, all im asking for is wave rule or not being able to camp? APD has the upper hand on this regardless.
  18. Fixed it.
  19. Code 3 is still engagement lmao How is it different from verbal? So you cant use sui vests in an active situation?
  20. Literally right after he said "dont engage" you can hear a hatchback come in code 3....
  21. Fighting endlessly for 45 mins straight is outrageous
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