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  1. woah woah woah I don't think you got permission to use my likeness in that first clip. tbh though I can't even remember that happening. Are these clips pretty old?
  2. tbh there's only so much you can do without spending money. on a rig like that you'll be hardpressed to get 'good' fps consistently. if you're a student, get a part time job buy a new rig in a couple months ez pz.
  3. That's the setup. For the actual rig; i5 6600K ASUS GTX 1070 Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM Corsair Carbide Series 230T Case ASUS B150M Motherboard Corsair CX500 Power supply Seagate 1 TB HDD (no ssd because pleb). Sorry for grainy photo quality. Apparently iPhone 7 isn't good enough? who tf knows *edit Mouse: Razer Death Adder Chroma Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Chroma Mouse Pad: Razer Firefly Hard Chroma Pad Headset: Astro A40 w/ mixamp Laptop: Alienware M14x (got it in 2011 b4 anyone knew alienware sucked) Speakers: Logitech somethings that sound super hot w/ a subwoofer.
  4. All I can say to all the people with issues with RDM / VDM (and this is coming from someone who isn't staff), from what I've seen, this server has some of the most unbiased staff members in the world. You'll find tonnes of servers where people get away with shit because they're either staff, friends w/ staff, a donator, whatever. I've put in around 7-8 RDM reports in the past 1-2 weeks and every single one has been accepted, regardless of who it was, their notoriety on the server, whatever. Load up Shadowplay and record your shit. If you have an AMD card, find the nearest bridge. Real talk. Normally, I fucking hate staff on RP servers cause they're biased cunts. But I can almost guarantee if you're putting in reports, you'll get the fuckers banned. Just spend 5 mins in windows movie maker and be the change you want to see in the server by doing your duty and helping out the staff by pointing out the bad eggs.
  5. Server 1 I assume?
  6. Gonna go out for a rip. Sadly, hockey sucks and the CFL teams aren't very good.. but, as a B.C boy I cheer for the Lions and hate the Canucks.
  7. Game of Thrones and The Last Kingdom on Netflix are lit. The Last Kingdom is one of the under the radar Netflix originals but hot damn is it good.
  8. Only used 79 though. Pretty standard for the length and content of my post.
  9. Corrects grammar, doesn't use proper grammar. Oh and just so you know, that site also lists 10 more times where using a comma is appropriate, not just the first 3.
  10. Why? I don't just stare at everything under rose tinted glasses. When you love something, as I do this series of games, you have to notice the flaws of it. But, that doesn't mean you don't love it. Are parts of ArmA shitty? Yes, as I stated in the topic. Are parts of ArmA amazing? Yes, as I stated in the topic. And the game mode you're thinking about is indeed called warfare and I know it used to be a thing on A3 too but idk if it still is. I'm not sure why some of you guys seem to think you need to sacrifice performance for the ability to make your game its own thing. All of Bethesda / Obsidian's RPG's are extremely moldable, maybe even more so then ArmA, and they ran spectacularly both unmodded and modded, provided the modder isn't a dumbass. And yes, I know you'll tell me they're solo games, but having other players in your molded world isn't what gives you shitty performance. I would agree that the multiplayer experience is bar none, and it's also been my favourite multiplayer game.
  11. I don't know why people always assume topics like these are complaining. I even said I love the ArmA series at the start of my post, and that I highly doubt anything will change. Was simply giving reason and logic to all of the people who we hear daily complain about the game. But you see, you're complimenting the experience ArmA provides. Not the game itself. And, I'm not sure if you've ever played bare bones ArmA (not many have), but it's not very exciting. And it still runs like shit. The only thing you don't suffer from is desync (if you play solo). I never described Bohemia in a negative light, as you seem to think I did. I called them geniuses. And, I'm not sure if you're aware of the sales of ArmA 2 and 3 (and in turn DayZ) but they've made fucking bank off these games. As I stated, Dean 'Rocket' Hall is also a genius, as he made a shit ton of money off the game as well. 2.7 million people own ArmA 2. Currently, the price is $54.99 CAD (was either $59.99 on release or $69.99, can't remember). We can assume some got it on sale, so we'll say the average price purchased is around $45 CAD. That's $121.5 million dollars, for the base game. The DLC is $14.99 for helis, $14.99 for marksman, $45.99 for APEX. So, if I were to buy ArmA 3, then purchase the DLC as they come out, it would cost me $130.96 CAD. If I were only buying the DLC, it would cost me $75.97. Again, lets assume some people got it in a bundle / on sale and say around $60 for all the DLC. We'll say only around 25% of the people who play ArmA have all the DLC (which is probably much less then actually do), which means 675,000 people own ArmA 3 and all the DLC. The DLC cost is $51.279 million dollars. Add that to the base game, and we have a grand total of 172,779,000 dollars. DayZ has 3.5 million sales, and ArmA 2 OA has over 4 million. I can confidently say, without doing the math, that puts them well over $250m made off this series, probably over $300m. Yet you think that isn't enough money to rebuild from the ground up? Fool, you crazy.
  12. Can't argue with that. You got me. Pls lock post and delete me from the forums.
  13. I have to say, I also agree the epi-pen idea is stupid. I was only giving that guy a reason why medics get shot. Trust me, for the most part, you're great people. What I was meaning by, "walking into firefights" wasn't so much about who they revive, but just the situation. Let me give you a situation that I'm basing this off of that happened to me and my gang recently. Four of us were driving down the main road and got into a conflict with a group of 3. We killed 2 of them, and suffered no loses ourselves. We managed to pin the last one behind a car, with his buddies dead in an open field around him. The engagement was pretty far away, so we were just taking pot shots at the guy every few seconds to keep him pinned. Just as one of us was about to move up, a medic rolls up, mid shots, and starts to revive one of them. Prior to him reviving, we were still shooting at the car, shooting around the body, trying to get the medic to fuck off, but he wouldn't. So we had to shoot him. We weren't close enough to talk to him, but we gave him tonnes of incentive to fuck off. That is what I mean by walking into a firefight.
  14. Now hold your horses here. I can almost hear you seething with rage at my comment, just about ready to type out your 3000 word essay as to why I'm wrong. But, hear me out. I loved ArmA 2. I like ArmA 3. But, they're both shitty games. I've spent a lot of time playing the Arma series, from Cold War Assault until now. I really enjoy the Arma games. I loved them up until ArmA 3, but it has sort of caused me to have a falling out with the series. With all that said, my reasoning for disliking ArmA 3 isn't the same reason it's a shitty game, it simply just doesn't feel really ArmA to me anymore. On to the topic. I think it's finally time that we, not just as a community here at Olympus, but as the entire community of people who play ArmA, face the fact that this series, not just ArmA 3, really and truly are bad games. The idea behind them are great, and the execution (more so in ArmA 2 over ArmA 3) are flawless. We do indeed have one of the best military simulators ever created, and on the grandest scale at that. But, what's the cost? I'm not sure about you, but I've never, ever played a game with the performance issues ArmA has, specifically ArmA 3. And what's the reason for this? Is it lazy developers? Is it an impossible to work with idea of a military simulator on this sort of level? Is it limitations of hardware? No. It's lack of competition. Every. Single. Time. that you drop to 15 frames in a town? It's because of this. Lose a gunfight due to desync? Here's your problem! Got desync rammed off the road? The culprit isn't the other driver, oh no. The culprit isn't even Bohemia. The culprit is, well, no one. Because the culprit is the fact that there is no one breaking into the market of milsim games. Sure, you can throw SQUAD at me, but, that isn't even close to the scale of ArmA. Every other successful game has it's competition. CoD has it's Battlefield and it's Halo (could maybe even argue Titanfall). Forza has it's Need for Speed and all those racing games that eventually flop (looking at you The Crew). Fifa has PES. The only other game that really has its market cornered is Madden, but so many people play that game that if it's bad, they'd be forced to change it cause of the money they'd lose. But, what does ArmA have? Squad? It's much smaller. Sure, it's pretty simulator-y, but, show me the massive battles of 100+ people. You can't, can you? Because you see, Bohemia, while we may curse them every time we get an FPS drop, are actually geniuses. What's the point of fixing a game, if it's the only thing of its type? We can all bitch and whine about ArmA, but do we ever stop playing it forever? No. We just hope it'll get better. But, it won't. Could it? Yeah. Realistically, there is no reason ArmA shouldn't run at 60 fps on low-mid range PC's (at the very LEAST it should run at 60 frames on a high end PC, in a city, with bombs going off everywhere, but it doesn't.). Would a ton have to change? Yeah. I'm no AAA developer, so I can't tell you what the exact issue is with ArmA, but I can tell you that if you really think about it, and quite frankly just look at it, there really is no reason ArmA should have the issues it does. Well, there is one. The work it would take to fix the game would be large, and it would cost a lot of money. But, again, Bohemia are geniuses. Why pay developers to basically rewrite the entire game when you're still making tonnes of money off it? Sadly, there genius is more for their gain over ours, but hey, props to them for being good at business. "Well then, genius, what would it take to fix ArmA?" I hear you say, just as you're about to write the 3000 word comment. It's simple. But not so simple. A big developer, with a lot of money, willing to take a risk and break into a new gaming spectrum! So, why hasn't it happened? While I may not be a AAA developer, I do know a little something something about money and business, and the reason it hasn't happened is the risk part of the equation. You see, ArmA has been the only thing of its kind ever since its inception. Many players have played since then. If DICE decided to throw a ton of money at a room full of developers and told them to make the game that would destroy ArmA, would I trust them? Hell fucking no. Because I know no different then the shitty frames, the desync, the stupid physics, the quirks of ArmA. And neither do any of you reading this. But, theoretically, could it happen? Will it happen? It's possible. But it's unlikely. Should competition show up, ArmA would probably outlast them, due to a loyal player base who, as I said earlier, are willing to play through the bullshit because they love the game, and also the fact they have a template already, so fixing the issues would be easier for them then it would be for a company to start from scratch. Oh, and, another person who is a genius? Dean 'Rocket' Hall. Cashed in all that DayZ money (it'll be out by the end of the year!) once he realized how fucked the engine he was making his game on truly was. The only difference is, DayZ is adapting and is actually becoming playable. Why? COMPETITION. Every mother fucker is trying to make a zombie game. That shit right there is my case and point. Pretty huge wall of text, I know. But my theatrical way of writing these things can't be summed up in a few simple words to get my point across, but I'll try to anyways in this cute little TL;DR TL;DR: ArmA is a shitty game because it's the only game of its type, and the risk/reward isn't there for another company to try and come in. Bohemia is smart in the fact that they don't spend time/resources on fixing the game when they don't need to. Dean 'Rocket' Hall is a genius as well for cashing out of DayZ.
  15. Weeeeell maybe if medics didn't walk into firefights and just revive the closest guy they see they wouldn't get shot. Only time I've ever had to shoot medics is when they decide to walk right past me and like 4 armed rebels and just waltz up to a group of bad guys with tags without saying anything to us. I know RP isn't enforced super harshly on this server, but I'm quite sure if medics took the 5 seconds to ask the people still standing if it's okay to revive the dead guy, they wouldn't get shot period.
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