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Everything posted by KingMango

  1. two people in my first period class were debating over which is better settle the debate.
  2. +1 on the vehicles but tanks are overkill
  3. chili is love!
  4. These two kids in my first period class were arguing over which is better. Chili or star treck?
  5. 10/10
  6. ik what rdm stands for I was trying to imply they rdm by putting 2 of the same options
  7. I mean I can re do the poll lol
  8. Answer the poles so the server knows what you think [R] stands for.
  9. That actually would look sick but highlighting wouldnt last long because the globe in the intro spins kinda fast.
  10. Im not trying to be a asshole i was just stating a opinion. But, like i said it still looks good.
  11. Not gonna lie that looks like drama alerts intro with different sound. But, i still like it.
  12. I just hate getting third person peeked in a tower. because if I'm inside I cant use third person to see through the floor bot a cop/civ could use it to see me. But, yeah the server would probably flop at hardcore because shit players cant 3rd person peek.
  13. In your opinion wich gang is the zergiest zerg gang of them all. Or just a gang of cunts.
  14. I would lowkey apply because I'm taking a class rn that focusses on film and special effects and I think it would be fun.
  15. the only other way to get one is black water right?
  16. If the opportunity provides it self would I be aloud to rob a APD ghost hawk and use it to kill them during fed?
  17. this is what happens when Alex gets access to forums of any kind. He has a extra chromosome or 2 so I would just ignore him. He says that dumb Geico phrase every time he vigis someone.
  18. after another 40mil lol
  19. So its basically just a regular house just way bigger.
  20. were can I buy a gang shed and what do they look like? are they even that useful? what could me and my gang to besides spawn there and use a garage?
  21. I agree completely and shit gets hard enough when u have some kid screaming in your ear while your trying to process.
  22. there should be a limit to how many cops u can have restrained while doing fed/BW/Jail. like u can only have 3 of 5 or if there are more cops like 10-16.
  23. i love the new cartels they are just a little hard to caps sometimes. especially when a fucking ghosthawk and 3 orcas come and drop like 20 people.(fucking mc )
  24. if you check the content logs it says they made it to were you can only poach turtles in the turtles zones but i think they fucked it up when they implemented that into olympus and now you cant poach turtles at up but im sure the devs are working on it
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