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Everything posted by Savage

  1. he is innocent because if we was to ban evade he wouldnt be stupid enough to tell an admin he would do it
  2. the last thing he wants to do is ban evade so whatever u think u know u dont
  3. stfu we submitted 14 ppl and peter says we only submitted 12 which triggers me
  4. Its called a $100 bill and a busy street corner my friend
  5. Ive recently been experiencing VON problems to where i can barely hear ppl and my VON is all the way up. Is this server side or game side?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      All that squeaking probably damaged something.

  6. Savage


    I dont think im relevant, what i do know is half this community hates me and ima say this one last time, I can give less of a fuck. I dont care what anyone over the internet thinks of me because they dont know me irl. Sorry to let you know that games arent my life. I do shit for a living, im definitely less active than i used to be. You cant call us a group of rejects if you come to another servers forums tryna talk smack about this "group of rejects" just because you have nothing better to do in life. You say you know me but you know nothing, keep opening that mouth and we gonna have more problems. Go back to asylum and start begging more people to join ur dead ass server.
  7. Fuck you @Peter Long this is y i voted gary
  8. Savage


    U don't know keefer, you don't know sin, you don't know me. Stop acting like you know everything about me when all u know is I'm a toxic squeaker that enjoys gaming. Isn't this almost the whole community? Mine and yours. You won every gang wars on a dead server, and I'm sure BW can win a fight against you guys on Olympus. Your all brain dead retards the only reason u guys won your gang wars was because your whole server is mentally retarded and you know what they say, mentally retarded people = more fuel for the furnace. We were never "bullied" off Asylum we didn't want to deal with any of your shit cause all u guys were saying is "oh your a bot" or "oh get off our forums" and Ima do the same shit. Get the fuck off our forums u waste of oxygen. Go back to your server where 20 players is high pop.
  9. Savage


    @Grandma Gary this dude joined the forums like half an hour ago and already throwing hands I think we have another fucking bush
  10. Savage


    Sorry how tf do u know i get "wiped" every fight if u come from a server full of brain dead retards and i come from probably the best arma life server there is. Stop acting like you know me cause u dont. You really must have some big balls coming onto our community and shit talking people u never met. I dont come on ur dead server saying all u suck, so dont do it to us. Dont reply or else you gonna hurt yourself more, your only making yourself look more retarded everytime you speak.
  11. ayyyy congrats on corp @Bloodmoon watch this nibba downvote this shit cause he a rat

  12. Savage


    Go back to ur dead server retard
  13. Savage


    Y the nibba is unbanned unless some shit happened I don't know about
  14. Savage


    my mans asked for drama i gave him drama
  15. Savage


    But this nibba @Elements has been tryin so long to get unbanned just give my mans a chance he put in so many appeals and u deny them all because of a dead server
  16. Happy Bday bootleg rp

    1. hawk


      All I'm missing is the aimlock. Thanks :D

  17. Savage


    yea but my boy deserves an unban anyone u quoted doesnt
  18. Savage


    your making a stupid argument. Elements is still banned on here because he has an Asylum ban but many people have already been unpermed even while being banned on Asylum. Your trying to get your "boys" unpermed yet they ddosed people to win fights...
  19. Savage


    yes but there is a difference with ddosing and being banned on asylum vs just being banned on asylum
  20. Savage


    @McDili u want drama, ill give you drama... #Free Elements
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