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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. yea u definetly get paid 500k every vid u are very talented from what I have seen in editing skills
  2. I'm very confused I have participated in GW before and I'm pretty sure I have been banned for lag switching it wasn't a lag switch in the video it obviously shows that j was texture bugged but this was when the texture bug was new and nobody knew what is was so if I get unbanned before GW will I be able to participate because I have before @Peter Long Doesn't say anything about not having one so I think you're good to go
  3. Ummm I'm kinda permed from Olympus for kind of a reason that doesn't make mush since but thx anyway man it's just umm me and savage might be making a cringe tage on a game that I cannot disclose at this moment Not sure but I'm pretty sure that's a virus
  4. I have been looking for a video editing software for free cuz I'm cheep and don't wanna pay and no I cant use movie maker cause I have windows 10 and it doesn't come on windows 10 and u cant install it anymore so please leave suggestiosn below thx Savage "Just Crack vegas Pro you pussy" me " I don't know how "
  5. I don't play cop and even Ik this is a bs rule I have done it once to plumber and he got pretty mad #removeitnow
  6. Hello I recently got a new PC where the local disk has only 118gb and I have a secondary hardrive that has 913gb and my local disk is getting full and iw as wondering if there was anyway I could get my arma 3 clips I save to go to my secondary hard drive instead of my local disk as you can tell I'm not very good with computers thx
  7. HMU with offers u can buy seprate
  8. idk what your problem is I thought It was pretty hot @Joel
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