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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. I don’t have many vivid memories of application names but I vividly remember more than once seeing your black list appeals. my bad 5 years ago but the point still stands bro. yada yada idc lol
  2. You’ve been trying to get unblacklisted since I was a sgt like…. Holy shit 6 years ago? I think? Just call it quits brotha it’s not even worth it anymore.
  3. You deserved it
  4. The OG crashout @ buckie


    1. -dante-


      And honestly this is actually fairly mild for a buckie crash out 

  5. Free Rabid and Goat 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    1. -dante-


      tbf ive never seen either attempt an appeal since i came back so i dont think they care too much atp

    2. Larkerz
  6. @ DABESTeva  happy birthday bro think about you all the time wish I would have took the hour drive to meet you, or I would’ve at least pick the headset up and logged in a few more times you were hilarious the world will never see anyone like you again. Love you bro hope you’re partying hard.



  7. You got a license to be ridin that dick?
  8. Arma does have mouth smoothing on by default in game sensitivity settings probably not it but maybe lol.
  9. A lot of you guys are still the same exact people you were in 2016-2017 go splash some water on your face and look in the mirror it’s time for change.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. hawkg


      Lgbtq people constant push their agenda towards children lol. They do it anywhere they can even in schools. If that’s not pedophilia than what is? Lgbtq is an extremist group lol. They use very extreme tactics to indoctrinate the youth.  They are a plague that is trying to peddle their bullshit to children 

    3. doubleueyeceekay


      What agenda are LGBTQ people pushing @ hawkg ?

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @ hawkg  your comment about the lgbtq agenda shows you are chronically online you have no real world experience nor people skills keep drinking that TikTok and twitter kool aid brother. 

      @ doubleueyeceekay  I’m done arguing you’re slightly twisting everything I’m saying into your favor with every comment I make but if you’re not and you genuinely feel that way I’m genuinely sorry if it came off demeaning to others it wasn’t to show arrogance but to be more disappointed in people for not changing and still being the same people. 

  10. Which one of you losers lowered my reactions to zero a day I literally paid for that

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      I’m living rent free here still some how 😭😭

    2. JoeL


      I miss you

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Ahh I can react again 🙏 miss you too brother life has me currently flying by the seat of my pants unable to really stop for long I’ll be on again soon 🙏 

  11. How the fuck did this Gaz guy win?!?!!

  12. 07 friend I’ll never forgive you for not reinstating me again everytime I asked. Jk
  13. Who finally gave me APD tags on the forums 😭

    1. Lucien


      Pretty sure it just synced because someone updated your stats, it only autoprovisions stuff when a change is made

  14. Knee tat is tuff basically just convinced me to get one.
  15. How much sov gets under you guy’s skin honestly makes me cringe more than the post she writes because it is obvious she’s trying to get a reaction and you guys fall for it every time.
  16. amazon.com/Corsair-Wireless-Premium-Headset-Surround/dp/B07X8SJ8HM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3NYR8PUN7HRRP&keywords=corsair+wireless+headset&qid=1697634475&s=electronics&sprefix=corsair+wireless%2Celectronics%2C144&sr=1-3 I've went through 2 pair of these is 5ish years and still use them today, If I wasn't a retard I'd probably still have the first pair. Nothing to complain about excellent battery life, really good Bluetooth range, and overall quality sound for a pretty good price.
  17. Idk how entire chapters of the APD handbook and server rules literally just disappear over the years but it has happened more than I can count and my activity isn't to blame. For example, What happened to area in the rules where it covers fail RP regarding shooting  / ramming other players to gain an advantage prior to engaging them?

    Unless I am totally blind and missed it somehow even control f'ing. Like I mentioned not the first case and I'm not sure why anything like that would be taken out of the rules.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. -dante-
    3. doubleueyeceekay


      @ Mako that's weird, I've had that exact situation happen to me and when I reported the person it was denied. Since there's variance between staff on the issue shouldn't that be evidence that it should probably be written down?

    4. Rossco


      I believe @ Millennium is right here, always been an “unwritten rule.” Anyone with a brain has always known this is fail rp, why would you be able to force someone into your initiation? Perfect example of power gaming brother man

  18. Best troll Olympus has seen in a while.
  19. In that case everyone was 14 once.
  20. Out of all the examples 2 grown men chose to use the tag “[POO] and [PEE]” sorry idk why but that hurt.
  21. Someone give me the run down

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. En1gma


      Just Oly staff doing Oly Staff things 

    3. Skys


      oly staff have trained snipers watching the forums anyone brings it up they are taken out like jfk

    4. Panda :)
  22. Seniors stopped being close after our “class” of seniors left hasn’t been the same since and probably never will be.
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