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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. if i cant get a monster energy car you cant have pilot :^)
  2. looking to trade my abdura house for a heroin. 2 crater

  3. Not to worried about that, like yesterday I had cops that were looking for me drove right past me while I was running away, people are pretty blind
  4. I find rangefinders quicker, and doesn't leave a window where I can't see my opponent
  5. Guessing is not accurate and leads to death.
  6. It gives me information needed to calculate my shot
  7. No, but zeroing helps.
  8. Get your own post for pilot mate personally I love range finders, I hate missing my first shot as i only used lynx and other rifles on arms 2/arma 3 epoch before I joined Olympus.
  9. I haven't been to the new ones but if the meth/church is still the same the outside areas could use some more cover, a lot of wide open areas.
  10. Not what
  11. Suggestion: if someone tells you to leave, leave. I feel like that'll become the biggest annoyance
  12. why is no one talking aboiut the fact civs are getting rangefinders! I CANT WAIT b! well, to use it as civ and for civs to stop asking me for them when im on medic! teim 2 sneep sneep da vigis
  13. looks like the pigs won boys ::sadpepe::
  14. to be fair, and show an example. cops right now don't use tatics. I just wiped 5 cops at a gas station robbery because they don't play cover and run in the open. I didn't move from my spot.
  15. no I get that, I just mean iv been in 3 hostage situation in main towns and not once did a cop respond
  16. I get this, but its also a problem when you get held hostage for 15 minutes only to end up getting shot in the end because cops didn't feel like actually responding to something that warrants it. and theres always 4 cops messing around in square
  17. while we are on the topics of cop can we get some police to actually respond to medic calls for help when we are in danger or held hostage? last three times iv been held up there have been 13 cops on and not a single one responded, there wasnt any feds going either. medics have something in place where if we dont respond we get in trouble, or atlest message the person that no help can be given. -yes this is some grade A salt, but point stands
  18. by actually doing something, anything is possible.
  19. cops need new tatics and need to stop being salty, a criminal will use everything they can to get away with something. cops dont need everythig handed to them on a steel platter. cop gets restrained? change tatics to rescue them, civs have been doing this for a long time.
  20. or train cops to respond better. its fine the way it is.
  21. there is no logical reason in a rp scenario why a cop shouldnt be able to be restrained. besides salty cops
  22. il give you 10k and a succi succi
  23. Just crack down on rdm and everything will be fine
  24. What's the point in this rule change? Now rdm ruins even more Fun as you can't return.
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