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George White

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Everything posted by George White

  1. She asked me to tell you... fuck off
  2. I bet you are still the worst pilot ever!!!!

  3. well im not going to sell it if nobody buys it lol
  4. Sup peepz, selling today a meth gang shed on server 2. Pls DM me with your offers. Thanks https://gyazo.com/68cbc2b06347bd65f0e89bfd1f5f5fdd
  5. Still looking too and I will pay significant more then the fella above me
  6. you still have these?
  7. 22
  8. Ill pay more then both of these welfare peepz above me ;-)
  9. Gyazo Link Please post offers here
  10. So?
  11. 2.3
  12. Looking at your bank account/statistics it seems to me like you should go and make some money now, otherwise you'll be broke by mid Wednesday? haha
  13. Sure.. bit if back in the day only the hackers and dupers fought cartel all the time and now almost nobody does as per your post.. then thats the best suggestion I have for a fix. A lot better then unbanning the ones who don't fight fair from the beginning anyway.
  14. I see what you are saying - but as example.. my gang and I are just starting out to get into the cartel fights and we enjoy it quite a bit. The only half way annoying thing is that those who fight cartel don't let you get revived once in a while and rather just camp the bodies. We are trying to up our cartel game but it just gets expensive lol So me as example.. i come fight 2-3 times but eventually I will stop due to the cost of re-gearing. So again, I don't think we need to re-invite the bad boys i think we might need to just let some people back up.. I'd almost bet anything that anybody who you will let get up and ask to re-attack or re-defend will do so. LMFAO
  15. I dont know about that. Seems like Olympus servers are always full and people battle to get that one free slot. So why invite those back that repeatedly did wrong to the community of Olympus? Cartel is only a small portion of what Olympus has to offer. That being said, I don't think we need to let those back in that are known to hack, glitch and dupe on the server. Just makes it less pleasant to those who play the game as Olympus intended to do.
  16. .. and because I do have a brain I will not take the risk of me being the one who will be scammed by your scamming gang next.. especially since its almost okay to do so here Good luck though finding a new player to scam ;-)
  17. Sorry, due to recent scamming confirmations provided by one of your gangs previous customer I will not be able to purchase this item giving you cash before. Good luck! WARNING - BW SCAMS! Check here for more info
  18. ok msg me
  19. I really would love to buy the DMS but BW is known as scammers... so the only way this deal can happen is if i get the item first.
  20. U have pics of the locations?
  21. This dude is buying himself likes lol 27
  22. Hey, I would be interested in the Mar 10. Hit me up via PM
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