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About CosmosBro

  • Birthday 09/07/1999

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  1. hey bud we back n we gonna need u 

  2. pls let me know if you have them or any other gear.
  3. Well i mean you said it yourself "walk away from arma"... look what happened. Dont call people pathetic when they did what you just said to do lol
  4. People are just trolls man they are just trying to make themselves feel better than others because they were the ones who were bullied, but i dont let that shit bother me, but others are just sensitive... people are just ASS HOLES!
  5. So is it going to count as another house and if so how much are they gunna cost, how much space can they hold all that good stuff???
  6. Happy birthday big guy @bigPat

  7. Wow youre fucking talented
  8. When you try to hide your lag switch with switching up a big tower
  9. well thats what you get when you have a dog shit chief... goats just an asshole but muthinator on the other hand is dope af.
  10. Im pretty high rn
  11. 12mill take it or leave it envg
  12. Holly shit youre an old man
  13. Fluffy how about you just lynch yourself
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