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Everything posted by BraydenTrains

  1. https://gyazo.com/1af41c1b44eb77d1234fec550dde0f25 Ass Eater faction is doing well @Turtle Chris @Egnazio @Turtle @James_  

    1. silton


      @Turtle betrayed me, I thought we were bed wars brothers

    2. DeadPool


      @Silton Monkeys don't sleep in beds.....

  2. How much for mxm
  3. "Alright I'll go herd the emts like fucking sheep"- Muth
  4. @Turtle Chris
  5. @Chickenlittle @Commander Fox 15mil sound good??
  6. Serious offers please
  7. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/835833214524358376/40B858B10CFFE991C1892F620151BC6CE34B13F7/ 600meters from rebel 2.7km from shine offer up
  8. All I remember is there was about 20 of us alive when the bomb blew then like 5 people left 10 seconds later
  9. Tree didnt back stab us I thought they got shot at first
  10. @Mikey Ruth Thats actually a bitch move glad you got banned for it
  11. @Mason Payne Good bye Mason good luck, you will be missed o7
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