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About AC on DUTY

  • Birthday February 9

Profile Information

  • Olympus Gang
    Fuck Everybody's Gang
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I'll buy MX's, MXM's, MK1's. DM me
  2. Im doing 15 because I also got two titans in my houses, and like 12 meth i really dont wanna go sell. going to drop it all for whoever buys it Standing on 15
  3. or i can just pipe u and then u can have em
  4. I'll rather give you a one crater for 2 mill bud
  5. Obviously, but all the houses are different. Some hold 2200 others can hold up to 2900. Storage is different from all houses.
  6. Two have storage of 2200 One has storage of 2900 The one crater is used for storing processed meth. PM if interested https://gyazo.com/6289c95680a302bb8f5d5a04269561af
  7. Wasn't even crying about it fucking idiot. Go wank your dad somewhere else. You must feel so cool because you are a Admin of a dying game. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryan
    3. ikiled


      19 minutes ago, drama said:

      You're crying about someone breaking RP in a dead game :/ cant relate you spastic


  8. Got two houses for sale near meth pro 1. 1.5 out from meth pro 2. 1.7 out from meth pro Asking 5 mill ea for them, they could hold 270 meth PRO
  9. Trying to buy DP17 S1 Garage, If you have any lmk trying to buy
  10. Alright, well GL finding that guy who offered you 25 mill. I'll be glad to buy it for 15 mil if your other offers don't work out.
  11. You said you would do 20-25mill LOL Someone just offered you 22 mill thats the best you'll probably get.
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