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  • Birthday 03/03/2000

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Gender meeting with H4WK
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  1. SiNFULL


    you can easily watch the bodies of the downed enemies and give warning shots or simply deny all enemy gang. Simple solution.
  2. SiNFULL


    Rip MK-1
  3. I don't understand how anyone can think like this... there are so many people on this server that intend to stay until the end, and yet the server is "dying" after some staff leave... There are some people devoted to this server as much as the admins... Those people can always take their place. Olympus wont go down without a fight.
  4. My potential S1NFUL montage song :
  5. Im dead.
  6. Ask for a skin fade on the sides (which is a 0 to like a 1) it lasts longer so you don't always have to go to the barber 24/7. And the top is really all opinion and the way you like to style it.
  7. What is this thread smh
  8. That sir is a frontside nose blunt**
  9. The cops saw that they were at a disadvantage and needed some aid to they were using their resources to ensure that the job gets done. Seeing that they can, and have no obligation to stop anyone.
  10. Perfect thanks mate, idk how to update directX, can u tell me? thanks
  11. Arma 3 is on my M.2 ssd, but yes i have a HDD
  12. Hey guys, i am getting an arma 3 error that crashes my game The error is: DX11 error: buffer Map failed: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED If anyone knows what this is or knows how to fix it, please let me know Thanks. PC SPECS: i7 8700k RTX 2070 16 GB ram 256 SSD
  13. I'm having the same issue, probably something were not doing right.
  14. perfect brother, ill retry
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