I have a problem with my pc (literally built a week ago), that sometimes when I'm playing any game, it's as if my game would tab out but I'm still on my game page but my mouse just pops up on my screen as if I clicked something out of game. Therefore I lose all control of my game for like 1-2 seconds. I hear that some people say its a windowed full screen problem when there is more than one window opened (in my case team speak and arma 3).
I have come to a conclusion that the resolution is to play in full screen but when I do, Its as if my player HUD gets super big (side chat, player stats; i.e gun ammo, and player stance along with the run time, etc...) and my F.O.V doesn't look the same as if did in windowed full screen. Is there anyway to play in full screen and have the same layout (hud size, and f.o.v)?
Or is this just a problem of finding the proper f.o.v in full screen mode?