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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. What kinda dumbass idea is this lol
  2. Mighty


    Yea its a pain in the ass but you can find ways to compress the files down
  3. *Keyboard no mouse
  4. 10 redgull final offer
  5. @Zahzi lets get this back to updating every night so us lazy/peanut sized brain can know how many faction hours we have
  6. Why not every restart?
  7. Nice work. Will times for each faction update any better to make it easier to know if you made your times for cop/medic? Also how often does it update because it has a name like three name changes ago?
  8. o7 @Sandman its 03/15/2020 you will be missed :’(

  9. Come on guys I’m bored at work. start up some more drama.

    1. Dicky


      medics lives don’t matter

  10. Mighty

    Salt Pro House

    Fuck you $0.50 final offer
  11. Mighty

    Salt Pro House

  12. Wtf is up with these cop changes Remove AHP PO-30 Orca skin from the APD 50% of money given for lethality gets split among officers within a 300m radius with a cap of 50k per non-lethaing officer, money exceeding the cap goes back to the lethaler (ie 25% for the lethaler, 25% for all other players nearby)
  13. I took a 911 call 3 hours ago from one of out frequent flyers it went like this:

    Me: 911 what’s your emergency?

    Her: Sorry to bother you but are you guys open 24/7?

    Me: Yes mama, how can i help?

    Her GOOD! *line disconnected*


    She has proceeded to call every 5 mins screaming at the top of her lungs about random shit for the last 3 hours...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      You should of sent the police to deal with her

    3. Christoph


      you can't ban them but you can charge them with misuse of emergency system and they have to wait till restart :kappa:

    4. billdroid


      Maybe in England 

  14. Mighty


  15. Getting a laptop and cant decide between macOS or windows. I love windows but Mac would be compatible with all my other devices like phone/iPad. Do you guys think its worth it? Not planning on gaming or anything. More for school/coding/daily tasks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lucien


      I bought a dell xps 15, similar build quality to a macbook but with windows and better bang for you buck. Can always put hackintosh/linux on a windows laptop

    3. Brallss


      if ur planning on coding go windows that’s for sure 

    4. Mighty


      7 hours ago, destruct said:


      Windows, you'll get more bang for your buck. If you want something comparable in build quality to a macbook though I'd get a razer laptop. I must've bought my 13" razer laptop for school like 2-3 years ago and it's probably one of the best pieces of tech I own even today, if not the best


      Yea if i get a windows pc ill for sure get a Razer laptop. Those look nice. I love windows os and hate the macOS. The only thing that’s wanting me to get a mac is it being compatible with my iPad/iPhone for easy multi platform use. 😞

  16. Any suggestions on a second monitor?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Revise


      you do realize cheap 144hz monitors like those have alot of ghosting / poor quality imaging because they are only a 150 dollar 144hz.

    3. SystemChips


      lol fair enough @Revise u win ig just if I were in his position I would 100 times over spend another 20-40 for a 144hz and if I had any issues you have 90 days to return it or buy a warranty for like another $20.  A year or two ago I would say just get a 60hz for a second monitor but prices have gone down so much for 144hz with 240+ being a thing, myself personally would be mad at myself if I could spend only a bit more for a monitor I would be much more happy with. Just tryna help tho not be toxic but I would not get a 60hz anymore unless it was like a deal for like $80 or less

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Monitors are becoming one of the most expensive parts of a quality gaming pc.

      no sense buying a 2080ti if your monitor can only push 60fps

      no sense buying a 144hz if your graphics card can only push 60fps


      instead you need both, for a grand+ each. 

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