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  1. Turn that ESP on and you might see it coming
  2. My fucks are limited on when they are used
  3. Keep proving to me you're a incompetent fuck.
  4. You're actually a brain dead child Idk how the fuck you made it this far on the internet being so incompetent to realize that no one gives a flying fuck on the internet this isn't a fucking place to bitch about how people are negative, The amount of times you are going to get told to go fuck yourself on this shit is uncountable. Go pound sand up your ass fr.
  5. Someone say BoonkGang I'm interested. how much for all the csat you have left and a bipod
  6. https://gyazo.com/d2252f8e66bc3050786a50b4fa3ea946
  7. Looking to buy csat hmu
  8. Fuck you talking about fool didn't no one snitch on your dumbass check logs thats all they gotta do
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