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  1. They stole my cleaning sponge.
  2. I know the feeling boys.
  3. I've addressed this behavior to them. I'm not there to babysit the less mature players anymore. Record and Report.
  4. This is KI's farewell address to the community. Kavala Investments LLC and the majority of it's staff will be relocating to a different server. You must be thinking Gator got perm banned or something like that. That's not the case. My company and I have been on Olympus since August and I cherished every minute I played on it. The community is great and I've had a blast. I was die hard for Olympus and refused to play any other game or server for the last 5 months. Last night I played on a server with more features and a rule set that makes more sense to me. I've achieved every personal goal that I can think of on Olympus, which were primarily to be on the top ten richest players and have a large bad ass gang. I achieved both. While I'll be spending most of my game time on the new server, I still have a vast personal estate of 11 houses/garages and 52 million dollars. Instead of doing some big dumb give away, I'll be coming back every now and again to sponsor sporting events with monetary or real estate awards. Anyway, I just wanted to give a few shout outs to a few awesome players and groups. Corporal_moob, Clanzocu (or however the hell you spell it), Lance, the entirety of National Guard, PCP, TPF (if they still exist), HoneyBooBoo, McDili, PapaMunski, Lord Paco, and there's some others that made my experience fun as hell. Thanks boys. I know a lot of people are glad that we are going to be gone. A lot of people hated KI, but then there was a lot of people that loved us as well. Regardless, I hope you had some sort of fun no matter the encounter. I've been wanting to write the story of KI for awhile since we started and I will eventually do so because the it was an amazing RP experience story filled with love, hate, violence, spies, betrayal, and lots of intoxication. Anyway, please don't turn this into a flame war. KI isn't going to be around to rob your shit anymore. Very Respectfully, Gator
  5. Honeybooboo, how much would it cost for me start up as well? I'm fairly new and am a terrible shot. I would like to get into the salt mining bizness.
  6. I've played multiple life servers on arma 2. Most of which were modded and were very popular. Right before arma 3 came out, me and my boys started to play on a non modded life server that was very popular all the way to the end. Hell it might still be up. Olympus community is great. I think as long as new features and content get added, it'll remain the best life server for arma 3 in my opinion.
  7. Put a comp ticket in. Maintain 300-500 meter interval between vehicles. Try to stagger vehicles when possible. Convoying is dangerous.
  8. I like how this thread got hi jacked into a real estate thread. I nominate myself for worst possible shot ever.
  9. Been on there one time. Guess it was a slow night.
  10. Wait, there's a server #1?
  11. I can't wait to go diving for treasure and get some pirate battles going on.
  12. I find their name personally offensive as well, yet I'm one of the leaders of KI and am allied with them, why? Because it's a game. They want to run around scream allah akbar and do moonshine runs in 2 orcas and nothing but their underwear that's fine. It's a game. Do I wish the silly fucks would change their name? Yes. There's a special place in my heart for muslim extremists or any other muslim that believes the world should be ridden of infidels. I've personally spent 20 months in two shitty countries fighting cock suckers like these in real life and am not done yet. It's a game boys. Doing drugs, murdering people, and doing a number of other immoral things that we do in this game isn't much worse. I mean come on, I've seen some one chop some ones kidney out and then feed it to them, shits fucked.
  13. Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/N Y Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y/N y Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y/N y Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y/N y Are you in ISIS: Y/N n Are you in Nerdz: Y/N n Are you in Burban: Y/N n Are you in KI: Y/N Y Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Why?: Nerdz. They are fun to fight, play by the rules, and show decorum both when they lose and win battles. Much respect. Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Why?: BurBan. They play with a lot of different people in different gangs. Engagements usually results in threats of bans and/or massive amounts of shit talking. Not usually an enjoyable experience.
  14. They will glitch. After you place your crates, sync your data. Relog to ensure they hang around before you start cramming them full of Titans and shit.
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