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Senior Map Designer
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Everything posted by Doke

    1. hawkg


      @ Milo maybe gain weight or lose it??? (Judging from your voice you sound pretty scrawny, all u gotta do is pick up the fork)

    2. Element_


      Maybe if he spent less time snorting cocaine and adderall he'd stop messing up the code and get his bulk on track

    3. Noble


      I cant tell if hes pushing 300 or 120 soaking wet

  1. Agreed admins suck, I got a 8 hr ban for having too much fun
  2. Just don’t shoot the hawk…
  3. Congrats @ xsmitherz  quickest LT I've ever seen

  4. Happy birthday @ Element_ I hope u get some furry pussy td!


  5. Happy birthday! @ Ryan


  6. image.png.5e0f956d262fae0b91a6082c8a316f58.pngBest vigi council to date!

  7. 15!
  8. c9713b3352306c152c2bdb46a28fcf6f.png

    Olympus ads go CRAZY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doke


      shi they know me well

    3. Element_
    4. Ryan


      Yeah ads are given to you on a personal basis with the data google collected from you... nice try bud maybe stay off the hub 😉

  9. Been here since 2017ish, kinda grew up on this server, Olympus was the only reason I ever even downloaded arma as one of my boys wanted me to go RDM people in Kavala with him. Overall has been a productive 7 years of fuckery, lot of brain rot has happened but its been fun. (Milo cant code)
  10. either way u got a fat forehead to go with the Kevin g cut, not a good combo...
  11. keep begging for comp i guess
  12. could land a 747 on that fucking runway above your eyes
  13. you were lurking for a long ass time for this response, honestly props to you
  14. when you told me to stay away from your mom?
  15. idk man it might have been u crying to try and get 4-5million. broke behavior honestly
  16. pipe down kevin g
  17. it actually something me and your father would like to talk to you about...
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