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Everything posted by Kirith

  1. On the bright side... you can now buy SVDs at the shop shops.
  2. How much for the boonie Hat.
  3. APD Gestapo inbound.
  4. Police Escort?
  5. I would say " I do not own a ATM".
  6. Thats to rich for my blood.
  7. $1.50
  8. Those Boomerangs are imported from China. #CSAT
  9. "Stop or I'll Squeak" ~ @RubberDuck
  10. What do you guys think about Implementing some of Orange DLC (Laws of War) to the server like the Ambulance and Van DLC Link: https://arma3.com/dlc/lawsofwar Post down Below.
  11. Just do a BW and you get 5 nukes then.
  12. Yes only thing that does not carry over is Houses
  13. Good Idea wrong population to test it on.
  14. Deputy BW Waves
  15. 76561198096819263
  16. I like trains.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marty


      at least their country's cities are well-connected and tickets aren't insanely expensive. And I believe the main trains between major cities are not as packed; I think it's just commuter trains mostly

    3. Garrett


      @Hectic Mom likes trains

    4. Kirith
  17. Just another thing to clear up so people can not use "I didn't know" If said Cpl+ goes offline are you to halt your Recon and return to the nearest HQ or may you continue until ordered/shot down/want to stop.
  18. I got mine from when I used to play Warcraft III (not WoW the actual good shit RTS). And It was orc for hell hound so I said fuck it and here we are.
  19. 1. Don't do illegal shit. 2. Don't qoute Rules. 3. Get good. 4 (and most important). THIS IS A LIGHT RP SERVER!
  20. I think in the terms of Civilian we should have the ability to have masks that hides our name and gang so if you wish to do a kidnapping or a hit on someone they do not know who to go after or to get a buddy to hunt down. I believe if we allow this it will make RP more fun and make a bigger threat for people out there On top of that a few charges like kidnapping can not be added due to the fact that a person did not see your face to ID you. To counter this I also suggest that for the safety of the public if a Cop sees you hiding your identity they can request you to take off the mask (make the mask an illegal item). failure to comply should result in a ticket and grants cause to search said person to take the mask off and look for anything else illegal. I would like to have the public feed back on this idea both the general public and the dev community.
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