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Everything posted by Trent.

  1. Attention Whore
  2. None likes vigis because when you get arrested by one there's no player to player interactions its just here's your charges now have fun in jail. Compared to getting arrest by cops there is an oppruitunty to get a possible lower ticket or even if that does not happen that player to player interaction is still fun, for me at least.
  3. I put an advanced tracker on a hemmt in Kavala with 30k bounty driving it and he arrested him and impounded the truck
  4. Will say i was not a fan of cosma
  5. smh this dude wildin
  6. smh
  7. Stop posting these none thinks there funny or cares especially from this gang this is like the 3rd one
  8. 800k and you can have it
  9. Little low ^
  10. Offer me down below 1.5km from Pro a good idea is to process in SUV/Quilin loads at a time 800 space in house
  11. Anyone got a nice cocaine processing s1 house for sale
  12. I was one of the arresting officers on this guy ive never laughed so hard
  13. MMgvxctfffff
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