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About poof| AIRBORNE WORST Admin

  • Birthday 04/26/2002

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  1. was friends with the emo haired, loser fighting a truancy, tbh thought the boy sold dope and had money we aint talking about breaking rules not sure what u and the other tards mean
  2. all im sayin is right now im in a dispute, and if i lose this shit going to collections and i aint payin shit, i just wanted to know if @p a t did this shit anyone else because i was friends with him when i played and i know for a fact he wasted tons of money on this game he charging back on me, and i was curious if he did the same to anyone else because i was friends with him 2 months ago when i played
  3. u joined this server April 21, stop talking, move on to other post
  4. not a dono, like paying other individuals
  5. ik monster aka @p a t has spent a shit ton of money while playing arma. he try to charge back on anybody else?
  6. you can beg admins like anybody else, literally ive played with m5 and watched him give a sob story to hadi and get unbanned, then log on the server and give me 5mil
  7. the same person, keep begging for unban since u cant even ban evade XD, cant even buy a proper vpn, i can launder 200mil in cash and u cant even ban evade .x XDXDXDXDXD in weak hahaha
  8. guess im afking with a TRG next time
  9. yea shoutout to evan, buckie, eric some of the dumbest fuckin people ive met
  10. yea they just clowns, u should give them lessons making irl money u retard. not gonna get kicked u mong, literally told me that i wasnt bad they just wanted me to start buying a vest so i did, and then some of members just pushed there ego over the top so i left bec it gets old listening to everyone saying "they are shit", "that gang sucks cock" it gets old with how ego driven everyone is, ex u, buckie, the british retards in tp they even though they were good, its gets old, go beg admins for unbann u fuckin 4th grader
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