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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. what? IIRC the rpg rule only applies to the apd escort truck?
  2. I mean it was implemented because someone asked for it so you're statement is just incorrect. Sidenote, you can always just be a pussy and soft log to get rid of them
  3. have you tried enabling them...
  4. don't worry the "buffs" we received are no match for your 500k insurance ghosthawks, 800k insurance planes, and free loadouts, I'm sure you'll continue to make great use of these!
  5. pov cops have had mar10s for how fucking long and you're complaining about them being made buyable by civs for 20x the price cops pay (not including cop discounts!)
  6. disgusting gameplay @ Mako
  7. It has already been increased from 15 minutes to 30, further increase is not needed.
  8. The rule for gang base was added because when cabal was a thing we would have 5+ RPGs blowing up every ifrit that tried to push and the area around gang base would be filled with easily 50 slam mines. Explosives is actually more cancer for the attackers and make it relatively easy for defenders.
  9. Over the past 2 weeks (since I started RPGing consistantly) I've used near 2.4k warpoints, roughly $30m+ to repurchase said warpoints, I have 1/10th that in my bank so I'm risking a pretty fair amount. IIRC APD escort is currently the only event that is off limits to RPGs and that is mainly due to the fact that there is a price tag on starting said event, Pharmas and other events are still free game.
  10. Given the main people who RPG at feds (Myself/Kyle/Revise) don't have any form of staff points, your argument is kind of flawed here, the people who RPG have legit warpoints that were either bought or gained through conquest/killing people. Ah yes, lets compare Aegis, to the Southern Shiners. You're essentially comparing us to less experienced gangs, or gangs with a fraction of our hours, very good argument.
  11. P77Ooog.png

    Aegis difference 🥱 9 cops to 1 after 1 engagement.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xlax


      wokka difference fr

    3. Doof


      Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN
      Sexlax on the sauce again 

    4. Noble


      nice attempt at violating the Geneva convention!

  12. Pretty sure that its the same both ways essentially, could be entirely wrong but I think it takes the tax from the amount you're sending, for example you want to send 80 wps someone it takes 8 from the 80 and the person receiving only gets 72, I'd have to look in game but based on how its stated in the changelog it sounds about right.
  13. fairly certain the tax is meant to decentivize people just doing runs and then buying mass amounts of warpoints that they wouldn't be able to get otherwise because its meant to be a skill based currency. Although the issue could be solved by just making them not transferable
  14. monster


    Could ask you the same question if you think they're worth more than that.
  15. monster


    3.75 for both
  16. monster

    fund me

    what in the fuck are you smoking.
  17. Not selling for under 50m
  18. I hope you know pulldowns generally hurt a player more than it actually helps, because they completely ruin your recoil control the second you get whiteboxed, and you can whitebox on nearly anything, IIRC you can whitebox on a literal player or sometimes rocks you are no where near. Arma recoil is not hard (tho I can see why you portray it that way based on the FPS you play on) haha, idk who you are, but you are fucking delusional.
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