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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. mines better https://gyazo.com/d0322b788579a8c1b7d89318e7b5241b
  2. im under 18 but i wont tell
  3. Corporal is overrated, give my man Homicide sergeant
  4. only if you do the same
  5. nah dude this is life b
  6. Please change your name to Retard who needs to hand himself
  7. How about you make it so the Plane blows up as soon as he pulls it,
  8. have you tried putting your graphics card in water?
  9. i can only give you aids... sorry
  10. monster


    erm.... i dont wanna talk about it okaY?
  11. monster


    sum1 mad not my plat runs!
  12. monster


    ill give you a step by step guide to dealing with cops #1 Find the closest place that sells a type 115, #2 dont go to kavala #3 and this is the most serious one.... DONT. EVER. SAY. REEE. AGAIN.
  13. Why you do this to me, i left the lube at home!
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