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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    88th Division
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Criminal (2/7)



  1. I'll try, also how do u add a signature?
  2. Man sov i really wish i could war you.
  3. Thank you kind sir. Dont make me remind you of our prior wars @ anti
  4. Welp i wasnt there thats the reason ggs nevertheless and good luck in ur future endavors. =3
  5. --3rd Party-- Lemme fix ur statement, I mean just the other day I 3rd Partied 6 of you in Sofia single handedly while you were fighting APD.
  6. trust me anti i would war u guys if i could
  7. Look CTF Is ass bottom line ur excuse for being bad @ anti is that u get bad frames but I get 25 frames while at 100 meter view distance in Sofia and I would still woop U and ur entire gang
  8. sptting straight facts
  9. 750k a little extreme don't u think?
  10. Got this shit in the bag Fuck cable Why did u just put pie there without even removing the decimal?
  11. how much are stings?
  12. FREE SHIT!
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