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Everything posted by Bombay

  1. no they are mine!
  2. Ill skip on the spar bc im unsure im pretty sure you need the 100 round drums but ill take all the mxs for 200 each if you're down
  3. What server are you on? And how many mags do you have for the SPAR??
  4. Mk-1 = 1 Mil Type 115 = 300k CMR = 250 MX = 200 - 250 SPAR-16 = 1.1 9 Spike Strips = 150k 3 Beret = 750k That's what Ill pay, m0nkey
  5. 2M
  6. Its cool ill wait till ur bans over and buy it, when do you think it will end?
  7. Deal, Ill be on today 3:30 PST. How much for outfit?
  8. 150 for MX 50k for 1 whole outfit
  9. Can i still get like 3 MX tazers for 150 or MXM for 200
  10. Ill take the mar for a mil
  11. Price on MXSW? Price on CSAT aswell uwu
  12. How much for the Types Road Spikes Tear Gas Stones SR APD Uniform CORP Uniform PO Uniform and could I buy some MXs for 150k? uwu <3
  13. 900k
  14. 150 right here
  15. He doesnt sell anything bc no one wants to pay his stupid ass prices.
  16. Do you still have a MAR? If I buy the MAR + Spar + Mk1 can you do 3.5
  17. Type + MXM for 500?
  18. He never does 200 for MX Tazer 250 for the GL 15k per gas
  19. 5 or 6 maybe and the mark 1 i can buy them when i get unbanned, just got doinked for pitting a cop.
  20. Bombay

    Cop guns

    Price on the CMR and Spar if it is still left?
  21. How much for the Spar's and Mk1
  22. Bombay

    WTB Cop Gear

    I really don't care about the GL part id rather not have it, just lookin for standard MX, MXM, MK1, or Spars if they aren't a bad price.
  23. Bombay

    WTB Cop Gear

    you asked for an offer now counter offer, no brain dead sellers
  24. Bombay

    WTB Cop Gear

    I can give you 250 for the gun and 150 for the gas.
  25. Bombay

    WTB Cop Gear

    How much tear gas you got
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