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Everything posted by Civak

  1. Bad idea. I would rob POs more often and make an easy 500k from each of them.
  2. 1.1
  3. fine it's yours
  4. fuck dude I don't have that much to spend, 800k
  5. 1.1
  6. 1.4
  7. imagine being so braindead that you try and call someone out for being on your stream while in-game after you post a twitch clip to a status update

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tacosmell


      @Tb:) I have no context on this, but I can guarantee ppl meta off of streams especially if you are on cop. To me idc bc usually those ppl get caught but yeah it’s part of it I guess lol

    3. Tb:)


      @tacosmell i dont have a problem with it. our loadouts are cheap. its just the fact to me. 

    4. Millennium


      Aight cool no one has a problem with it, i regret commenting on this and now i constantly get  messaged so pls stop

  8. Civak

    WTB Cop Gear

    Two SPAR-16S' with 24 mags total.
  9. I'll take $7,406,472 please.
  10. 1.5 for the gun, 100k a mag
  11. Does that offer come with a free house search?
  12. If a Quilin/Prowler would need this many restrictions, that alone should tell you that it's for the best not to add them back.
  13. Not exactly his loadout, but I got an MXM and T4 vest from him.
  14. @Sandman Is this true?
  15. Buy it with a SPAR-16S and sure
  16. @hawk has to play for me to get his loadout
  17. Now selling 2 SPAR-16S' with 24 mags.
  18. damn guess nobody hates pledge
  19. Selling a SPAR-16S with 11 mags. Also selling Lieutenant @Pledge's Type 115 taser w/ bipod, RCO, and laser attachment. PM or post offers.
  20. no
  21. How much will you offer for 3 SPAR-16's
  22. Still buying warpoints
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