Me, Cats, Monkey and Postman. And now Jaeger <3 it's okay RayRay you fucked up, i understand.
and to add to this, i didnt call in anyone, people saw what you did and came to me. i dispersed 15m of Tree's gang funds to people that were dirt poor when i started MoB because i felt like that was necessary to do, yeah i kept a little for myself but also the first night of MoB i made 6m mass running with ALL the guys. so good try on trying to call me out and shit bud. i told everyone i even kept a little money. but it didnt matter because i put 200k into the funds after EVERY run i did lol. and if i was such a bad leader how come after you took the funds and tried to bribe everyone to go with you and start a new gang, they didnt? and when someone said "if we bring tree back who should be the leader?" everyone said "squid" and not you? that seemed to make you mad because you disconnected right after that and ran to MC ts. bud you're not proving any point besides you're power hungry and wanted 45m without putting in the work for it. go to asylum, no one cares.