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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. Curse those dastardly dune users and shared ban list between servers.
  2. 1. I feel targeted by this post 2. Just lie about your age 3. "I wanna be Cop" is what I said when I was 15.
  3. You don't have to write for two hours, on my 1 of 10 applications I wrote "I wanna be Cop" Works every time.
  4. It was fun playing with you when I was in Tree, stay well man.
  5. I feel better now. Drink Antifreeze gypsy
  6. You're kidding right? How come you've gotten unbanned but I didn't, I didn't even cheat on the server ? You have left me behind Cody Googles.
  7. o7 doodpool, youve got my number from the time i posted it in chat please send 8 ball back
  8. Congrats Papi @Proud

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vedalkenn


      5 minutes ago, bigSMOKE said:

      All respect for you lost never speak to me again 

      We never speak anyway fucker, the last time I saw you we got banned from fluffyteddy GTA RP

    3. bigSMOKE


      No one cares proud is a bitch and you’re sucking him off what does that make you 

    4. vedalkenn


      17 hours ago, bigSMOKE said:

      No one cares proud is a bitch and you’re sucking him off what does that make you 

      A perm banned player.

  9. vedalkenn


    Fair I just needed something that will PERMANENTLY cut my addiction off, and this is what I chose. You see my shitty joke in there?
  10. vedalkenn


    +1 let's ban these so called "Staff Members" and get the boys back up in here.
  11. vedalkenn


    I'm scared as to what this means, but I'll miss you, Lou, and Bloodmoon my favorite Tree members. Also @Brolaf for not being able to recommend a decent game to me.
  12. vedalkenn


    That's cruel, waste of air? You could've just said I think you're an idiot for cheating. I might cry dude, you've ruined my ego everything I've ever accomplished is crushed, I might honestly just uninstall. All because you've called me a waste of air. It's alright though, being called edgy by someone who clearly posts "Don't HMU sad rn" on snapchat really doesn't bother me.
  13. vedalkenn


    Glad to hear it, I've never met you but seeing as you chose to comment that must mean you have some concern for me.
  14. vedalkenn


    I have a request that you send my money to the boy @[w] I believe I had like 4.5 mil and hes my day 1 so <3
  15. vedalkenn


    this heckin captain dinosaur guy should be deranked! i am very fuming!!!!!
  16. vedalkenn


    thank abu man for beliving tht i didnt gosh dinosaur man thinks he big!!!1!1!!!!!11!
  17. vedalkenn


    Dune, how else Big Dog Page?
  18. vedalkenn


    I'll pass on anything arma related.
  19. vedalkenn


    Hah! Nope I'm infistar global banned, so jokes on myself.
  20. vedalkenn


    thanks man for your support
  21. vedalkenn


    was on a 5 day and then someone had proof and sent it to rex ig
  22. vedalkenn


    nothing ive been banned up until the perm lmao all i did was kill cops on asylum lmao
  23. @nadirr Happy Birthday abe carry me in siege sometime

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