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About iamjay

  • Birthday 10/18/1981

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. are you gonna try to get 6ix9ine out of prison? as his new lawyer?
  2. Welcome to Olympus, where i pull my right hand pocket socket out, so you can hold onto it, while i show you off to all my fellow medics.
  3. Olympus runs smooth, I've never spilled my tapatio on my lap while playing. Asylum runs like dog shit, lost a shit ton of tapatio bottles to my dog juancarlosrodriguezgarcialopez, and buried my tapatio bottles in the backyard.
  4. testing new mic, test test test

  5. Let's see if we can catch some hackers on live stream and get them all FUCKEN banned!

  6. Trying out green screen, let me know if it's coming in good!

  7. Sal Goldberg and iamjay, with ROE, A FREE GAME ON STEAM!

  8. More ROE, check it out.

  9. Playing a little Ring of Elysium, Check it out boi's!


  10. give me your money, all of it!
  11. Thanks for your services @draMa !! o7
  12. iamjay


    Tapatio = Life
  13. How a interview would go: Interviewer: Sir, what does that say on your knuckles? Homicide: Well, it's a community i'm apart of, where we uh, well, we're just all nerds sir, it's a gaming community. Interviewer: That's totally weird, now the tuxedo seems pretty fucked up.
  14. I believe so, but then again, there was a few day gap from logging in cause of work. Before this all happened, we did run into some hackers on s1, where they were killing us, by blowing us up somehow, didn't matter what part of the map we were on, and both of my buddy's and many others were disconnected that same incident.
  15. I have submitted a ticket already, about this issue, and I wanted to come here to see if anyone here might be able to help me with the issue at hand. I can log into the server just fine as a medic, I can't log in at all as a civ. When my loading percentage increase, it stops at 70%, and my play button is highlighted, i then hit play and the entire game locks up. Things I tried: -Verified Cache via steam -Deleted profiles, Deleted Mission files, Deleted all mods -Jumped onto my 2nd pc, logged in with my arma 3 account, same result, locks up -On my 2nd pc, logged into a 2nd steam account with arma 3, used my alt, and logged in with no issues. Support doesn't seem to have an answer atm, and hopefully this will be forwarded to the developer, but i'm limited on time here and was hoping if anyone can throw in their 2 cents on this matter. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Anyone else have this issue at one time? Thanks in advance.
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