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Everything posted by Skar

  1. fuck kamipussyassbitch
  2. Skar

    selling ghawk

  3. Lol
  4. Ya sure
  5. So why people say you got banned for pulldowns ? And why ddos?
  6. I heard it was because prime dosed he got banned for it and I also heard that he has pulldowns which he got banned for
  7. You’re a fucking idiot lmfao also why is tiger banned again ?
  8. No I just don’t feel like fighting people with pulldowns which he was banned for stupid fuck not to mention everyone of his videos prove he uses pulldowns it’s not even a fucking argument anyone with a brain would know he cheats . Best words from monster now that there’s a new owner “Let’s bring back all the cheaters and ddosers to make this server even more cancer!” Go fuck your self
  9. Olympus is the only good server out and is the best in my opinion of all the servers that have been out
  10. LOL if all the aussies play Olympus I think it’s be a good idea. It’s be funny as fuck to see them mad too
  11. Fax*
  12. Are you bringing back gang life? Same with cosma and all his partners Tiger HELL no Yea he did
  13. Ty Peter for running Olympus I’m sure you’ll keep this server great Chaz is a fucking retard
  14. Oh ok makes sense lol
  15. Why didn’t you just gve him his ticket at the corn field you dick head
  16. I wish ifrits stayed
  17. Sexy As Fuck
  18. Skar


    Forgot what mx gl used tho
  19. Skar


    Is the gl on mx actually usable
  20. Skar


    That’s a good deal
  21. Skar


    What r u selling tho
  22. Skar


    Wtf r u selling
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