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Everything posted by Skar

  1. Forgot but you owned it
  2. You still play his server lmao I was in ur gang like a year ago
  3. Lol what the fuck
  4. Skar

    schol dum

    Fuck school ;(
  5. Skar

    schol dum

  6. Is the best player of all time hands DOWN
  7. mcgreggor
  8. Connor is the best players
  9. Inactive kid
  10. I’m pretty sure everyone saw this coming and for the people that actually ground out money on it FEELS BAD
  11. Skar


    That’s a waste of money lol
  12. Skar

    MX tazers

    anyone selling MX tazers
  13. Sounds kind of cool hiding in lots of vegetation sniping
  14. XD double tap alt next time your in flight so you can move your mouse without moving your aircraft.
  15. I don’t trust anyone but my gang with house purchases. And that’s just me I’ve been scammed once by a non gang member
  16. Yeah fuck all that bullshit
  17. Everything
  18. I usually use mouse for good camera angles but you can double tap alt in order to fly with mouse some people prefer it Yeah but you probably wanna use mouse for the camera angle
  19. XD what about stealing my gang mates from police custody No I’ve gotten in trouble for it
  20. So I can super jump just not while engaged ?
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