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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by luker

  1. went up to 120 mil from 50 mil at casino, lost down to 40 then back up to 120 wtf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. luker
    3. Tommy12


      Arma addicts can’t never stop playing 

    4. Mr.Slick


      good thing we are only adding more gambling.. 🤑

  2. ur shit at minecraft

  3. who the fuck is this prom luker 

  4. should i come back

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HooDi


      ^ if you can stop your addiction to this game don't touch it

    3. luker
  5. give me money for corona supplies
  6. get the kav billboard ready
  7. hands down best montage out there
  8. cya l8r 4head = destroyed
  9. I meant in a civ montage, don't add kills on cops.
  10. No cop clips
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