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yung matt

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Everything posted by yung matt

  1. this server been slowly dying for years, then randomly has a few spikes but never enough to have a consistent player base at least not enough to have the need to open server 2, i dont rlly see it every being like it was a few years back
  2. probably the laggyist vid i have ever seen
  3. bye
  4. this server has been dying for years. player base fluctuates quite often. 3 yrs ago there were 2 severs always up and both decently filled, then s3 opened up later in the day and still had ppl joining it. now like stated before, theres only one server basically that . idk if its true, but someone told me that there were literally like 50 players on avg a few months ago or like half a year ago
  6. its already been sold
  7. just little more, like 675k?
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2356039280 0 crater near gun store, ill sell it for cheap need the money. offer
  9. hacker s1

    1. Natee


      sure it wasn't @Hylos and his 5lb tank again sending an orca to oblivion 

  10. montaging cops going up a latter and killing random people in kav, yikes
  11. gimme ur stuff
  12. offer, i dont want this anymore
  13. i have a 2 crater if u want
  14. maybe shoot where he is going to be and not where he is at and spray
  15. I told u today on cop to stop betting
  16. gl
  17. cops dont need to win every time against civs
  18. wheres bmw at
  19. dad?
  20. yung matt


    Good decision, o7
  21. how much are the promet 6.5 taser going for? 

    1. Hunter


      my guess like a normal MX price

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