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yung matt

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Everything posted by yung matt

  1. I think you pressed your windows key too much on medic
  2. See ya retard
  3. Any free good recording software besides geforce 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wizard
    3. Strikke


      @DashTonic to get the best quality you need to have the watermark at the top so that everyone knows they are watching good videos:) 

    4. DashTonic


      @Strikke I agree nothing better than that

  4. Shhhh that’s besides the point
  5. Initially it’s not too hard to get cop under age but for some reason I’ve been a cop twice then I quitted olympus for a bit and now I apply for cop and I’m denied despite the fact that I was cop prior to this.
  6. I feel you
  7. You can make as many polls regrading this topic and everyone will select yes, but the admins won't bring it back
  8. https://gyazo.com/33a61574e5f48d37a1483ddd7d842e69
  9. o7
  10. how much for mxs and spar tasers?
  11. i think you should provide a picture of the house, so people actually know you own it
  12. never buy something from plague
  13. how much for all the spars, types, and mxs?
  14. Been there, done that suck ass
  15. kk, pm me
  16. fine
  17. Don't exactly know, but pretty sure it's no more than 100k
  18. 3mil
  19. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198286758213/#sort=order <3, one game only
  20. yes
  21. Preferably MXs. Offer
  22. +1111111
  23. still for sale
  24. https://gyazo.com/f31bcc2e8b04c76e8b5f21aa801e8516 not anymore
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