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yung matt

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Everything posted by yung matt

  1. admins can only ban other ppl if they HAVE ProOf, so repoRt iT if u get rDm
  2. yung matt


    Since I’m underage, they look at how many hrs u have on the server and ur past bans, and when It’s harder
  3. yung matt


    Ur a bot, I didn’t get cop bc of my bans, don’t call me a kid ur younger than me
  4. yung matt


    Lol I left R 3 months ago and I’m in no gang rn, fucking bot, get good? Prae literally fucking push vendor in a quilin full of ppl, don’t talk shit about someone or a gang when u don’t know how do fight cartels and loose more than half of ur fights at cartels
  5. U need to get paid for this, this dope
  6. yung matt


    Mad u got blacklisted from cop? how about not going to Kavala and not being a kavala scat
  7. Blackwater, u rob it u get a bunch of rare items and cars, u need to fight off the cops for like 20min I think can’t remember
  8. How much for dms,cmr with 2 mags, mar10 taser with 2 mags and mk1 taser
  9. Yea that’s true, if someone is breaking a rule like rdming ppl u can’t just rdm him back
  10. 0 crater 100m from gun store and 2 crater close to apd
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