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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Trump24

  1. Trump24


  2. Noobs play on that server plus it's only open 2pm to 2am 2-3mill
  3. If u owned this on s1 u would make bank but Gary owns it
  4. got 4 mk1s 1 cmr 1 mar10 1 mx3gl with 2 tear gas smokes lost all amou for each gun besides mx3gl
  5. il take it off ur hands 2mil and a apple
  6. il buy 2 mags for $2
  7. um i got 4 mk1 1 cmr 1 spar16s 1 mar10 and 1 mx3gl with 2 tear gas smokes plus 25 stones
  8. Trump24

    Cop guns

    my bad thought it was a random person
  9. Trump24

    Cop guns

    add me on steam trump24
  10. Trump24

    Cop guns

    still up if anyone wanna buy
  11. Trump24

    Cop guns

    It's not a regular spar it's 150bullets per mag with a bipod on it above 1.7
  12. Trump24

    Cop guns

    offer spar16s offer mk1 950k
  13. Got 4mk1 1 cmr 1 spar16s 1 mar10 and 1 mx3gl with 2 tear gas smokes for the mx3gl all tasers
  14. Trump24

    Cop guns

    https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/924805540272102724/CD969E4F5CC296BDFC922514DBFE12922950AF2B/ Selling these guns plus got 2 tear gas smokes for mx3gl offer here or pm me don't matter
  15. where is the proof
  16. ever heard of 3 to 1
  17. i got 4 mk1,spar16s,mar10,cmr,mx3gl tasers if u wanna buy
  18. If no one finds out ur fine
  19. U can refill mags lel
  20. Well I made in couple hours 12 mill so all on u
  21. The houses for runs because why do runs when you can bet and get more money then run ask Obama I stole 9mill from him on Sunday
  22. 6 mill ain't the best since betting system the houses have dropped cause who needs to do runs when they can make money off betting il do 1mill you don't even have a garage so yea
  23. Buy my stuff thxs stil got 4mk1s 2cmr 1mar10 2 type 115 1 spar16s and mx3gl with 2 tear smokes mk1 1mill each type 115 around 350 to 400k cmr around 600k rest offer below
  24. You stil got any mar10 mar10 mags and dms
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