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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. You think I do skin designing? lolololol no.... Map designer Warfare boys.
  2. This issue occurred after a bohemia update when they did "network optimizations". To my knowledge nothing can be done about it on our end.
  3. I'm glad you are putting more time into the APD as Peter said but you are a great admin from what I have experienced and heard from others experiences.
  4. The person streaming is Poseidon. He's working on a few event things and some additions to the map.
  5. I was thinking "Really Konkz.....making another post as if Ares didn't post it earlier". Then I saw the post and felt like a douche.
  6. I'm pretty sure medics don't have NLR. A medic will need to confirm or deny this however.
  7. Server problems on server problems on server problems

    1. IAmNinjaTaco


      It is ok it will be worth the wait :D

  8. Possibly retarded Warfare is retarded. Checking now....
  9. It seemed like 75 was the perfect number last night. Any news about when it will be back up?
  10. Poseidon make the oil rig already...jeez.

    1. Dustin87



    2. Warfare


      Oil rig will be OP.

  11. Ares is on their ass like white on rice right now. May he bless us with continuance of thy ban hammer.
  12. What event are you talking about then? The server never crashed during any of the events I hosted yesterday.
  13. Warfare


    Every keeps telling me they are shitters? Not sure how true that is
  14. Warfare


    With so many new gangs joining the server I'm honestly not sure who the best is. Maybe we need an event to determine the best.
  15. If things are sent through admin message I can't control that as it's not me sending it out. However at the beginning of an event you will receive multiple messages and there is nothing we can do about it as we want to get as many people involved as we can. Now if this is an issue with players receiving messages that are only supposed to be going to participants then it will get looked into. Other then that I think this thread can be closed.
  16. It is already in the game but it's possible the messages are still getting sent server wide. Regardless when we are using HMG's it's best we tell everyone server wide not to touch them.
  17. Next time we do an event with 42 players I'll teleport you Brennan and you can try yelling in direct chat. Also a message was never sent out saying don't go near the ifrits as we wanted players to go next to the vehicles. Lastly we also never sent out a message saying get in the tempest as that was relayed through direct chat.
  18. You guys can't seem to get it right. Let me fix it.
  19. Damn love you Hades but not love you Warfare?
  20. The reason messages are sent out multiple times is because not every player has side chat enabled and with how Arma works getting text messages can be buggy. We send out usually 1 message to notify players of an event so they know to put gear away, we then send out another one to inform them to message X player to get involved, after that there is usually 1-2 more for anyone that wasn't on the server when the original message went out or they never got teleported by the server like they were supposed to. What you didn't see is when the event started we were still sending out event messages but only the players in the event could actually see them.
  21. Was expecting the "Ham Hammer" and it's a pig head on a hammer.
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