Remember when you play as a cop it's not all about the money. We had a blast last night and money wasn't even involved. Cop is about bringing criminals in, criminal is about making cash.
and as the bomb was defused Fusion died. The result was us waiting till he respawned and we went back as 1 wave. You guys bailed with the .50 and the ifrit, not much we can do at that point. It's not like us saving you from Virus would of changed anything, we would of just went after you for the illegal vehicles.
I'm going to assume you are talking about last night. Well the way it works is we go under the assumption that during a jailbreak it acts as a red zone so we have to return in waves. We had 1 officer left when Virus showed up and the cop ended up getting killed. When we approached for wave 2 the only people that were left was R I believe and we took all of them in. I was told that Virus got the .50 cal and then chased you down for the Ifrit. Our main priority in that situation is to get the jail secure, we aren't going to leave the jail open just to fly around and look for you guys when you left.
The point of this was to see who has done the biggest run in 1 go, not storing it and attempt to make more later. I'm curious if anyone has done what we did but even on a larger scale. We had no risk running all the hemmits as we controlled the server completely.
The run I'm talking about is we never stored the drugs. We had people picking, processing, and then leaving the drugs in the hemmit at the processor. We then drove all the vehicles to the drug dealer and sold, never storing any in a home.
Obviously keeping the drugs for the right price is best, we just wanted to get a huge run done so everyone involved would make money at that time.
1. No it's done at the sergeants discretion. I would suggest playing for as much time as possible and then letting a Sergeant know how long you have been playing as a cadet.
2. 3 days however I recommend more.
3. All questions are based off the handbook.
4. Usually a verbal quiz with a ride along. All depends on who you get.
5. I don't know the exact details but if you continuously fail I assume they would kick you off.
Confused about what you are saying. Are you trying to say people shouldn't be talking shit? Well the thing is that's everyone's right. If I want to vent to my stream about certain people I have the right to do so.
Yeah we had 11 people total, each making just under 2.8 mil a piece. We could of waited and stored the coke to make more but it was easier to sell. Here's the set up
2 tempest devices at coke field picking
1 fuel truck at coke field for fueling
3 mohawks flying back and forth from coke field to coke processing dropping off the coke
6 people processing coke and storing it in the hemmits
Took us around 3 hours to get 8.4k processed and sold.
So after tonight's drug run I'm curious what the biggest one to date is. Last nights run we ran over 8400 coke coming out to a bit over 30 million. Is this the biggest to date or what beats it?
They have a log but the comping was more so in regards to what's in side. They might not be able to see the contents on their end. It's always best to cover yourself and have proof.
They can disappear for good as well. I lost a crate in my house near gravia even tho I had no issues for a week. If you have proof send in a comp ticket and get a new one.
The problem now is 100% response times. I had to drive 14km today to go from Kavala to Pyrgos to help out the unit in that city. Let's just say the ride was a long one. Also pygros isn't in the middle. Maybe you are thinking Athira?
I've always wondered this to. Maybe the Monster logo is free to use in this way? or Tonic contacted Monster and they said go for it. It just seems like you wouldn't be allowed to use it seeing as it is a donator perk.