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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Scavenger hunt event going down here soon. Be on server 1 if you are interested in participating.

  2. How about we all delete our salt pictures and actually contribute to the thread.
  3. This is the whole reason the gun store was moved. I agree tho a tip screen when joining would be cool.
  4. If you want to join the community team check out a list of our current open positions

  5. Daily events? Why not...

  6. So far hostage event is going good. Cops defending might be a bit OP so we will make changes and improve.

    1. DeathDingo


      wow it was a great Event.... #Rebels4Life

  7. Sounds like someone is doing something they shouldn't. Next time record it and send it in so the admins can take a peak.
  8. Waiting on a server to fill up then we can do some events.

  9. So because this thread is so derailed let me try and get it back. I don't see a reason at this time to go back to 1 server. Back in the day when we had 3 the servers at night were always extremely dead. However if the population continues to drop in the day time I can see us going back to 1.
  10. 8 keys and a dream boys.....8 keys http://puu.sh/hgXsV/e33054d0d8.jpg/

    1. ToeKnee


      hey look its falcon too bad he just got a 7day counter strike ban rip ;(

  11. If you want to join just request an invite and one of us will accept it. Maybe we should make an official post and maybe open the group up?
  12. I now have access to the event menu. Currently the pre-loaded events are races and demo derbies. I think we can also use it to do VIP events so we will test that today.

  13. I know have access to the event menu. Currently the pre-loaded events are races and demo derbies. I think we can also use it to do VIP events so we will test that today.

  14. The only thing that can be done is to ban the users doing it but just like player reports you need evidence of it. The staff can't just take your word for it and start banning users at your discretion. A harassment rule is already in place and these kind of situations fall under that category.
  15. The problem with claims like this is they have no grounds for punishment if you can't provide proof of the incidents. I could sit here and say you called be a fuck boy but unless I have proof nothing can be done. What I would suggest is recording the situations and sending them in via a ticket for harassment. I can tell you right now they won't be the first players banned for it. Now real quick I'm going to tell you that as a police officer the only thing I can really do for you when someone is following you around is to speak with them and see if I can get them to stop. Technically we can't force a player to do anything and we technically have no right to tell someone where and when they can walk. If you end up killing them over it technically it's not self defense so an officer can't pardon you. What I will suggest tho is if someone says they are going to rape you tell them you are armed and if they don't leave you will kill them. If they continue to threaten you, kill them and tell the officer you feared for your life as the man/women aggressively said he/she was going to rape you. Hopefully this can turn around for you and I know it's not fun playing when a bunch of children are acting out. Just remember it's the internet and your not the only one who deals with it.
  16. So you would prefer them to downgrade to a crappier server that will cause more lag and dsync? I don't think you are understanding how demanding Arma is especially with altis life. In regards to the wasteland server it was needed. If Olympus doesn't constantly adapt and grow it will die and nothing will be left. With having a wasteland server there is a greater chance those players will find the altis life server. Finally to answer your last question it does all go into the servers. Just because it isn't being spent right this second that doesn't mean it's being thrown around and not saved.
  17. So now take $500 a month for each server. That's $1500 a month just to host the 3 arma servers and that doesn't include teamspeak or website.
  18. I've read a few of your posts where you state that it doesn't cost a lot to run these servers and that you truly don't believe Poseidon is making any money but I'm telling you he doesn't. Now whether or not you believe me that is up to you but every donation goes towards the servers each month. You need to understand the servers they are using are not some cheap $50 bucks a month servers but high quality ones, they cost a shit ton. Lastly if everything is paid for for that month it's not like Poseidon goes and spends all the extra money on beef jerky and soda, he saves it and uses it next month or the month after. Now before anyone freaks out on me and says I'm retarded or sucking ass. I do agree things could and should be done but I've already stated before my opinions on the matter. Poseidon is working on an event menu and when it's done I'll be able to host events and if I'm allowed to they will be daily. If there is things you believe we can do as a community then come talk to me as well. Let me see what I can do to help you out or make your ideas a reality. The community starts with us...not just the staff.
  19. REKT ps. Kingpin Warfare will accept any scrublings to our powerhouse crew above.
  20. You don't see the news crew because it's a whitelisted slot that you can't just apply for. If your not on the community team you don't have access to the slot and if your on the team you can only use the slot if your making content. Some people think it's supposed to be role that anyone can apply for like cop or medic but that's not the case. If you want to see more news members players are going to have to start applying and making content.
  21. As Brennan said above the staff are not paid nor is Poseidon. All donations go towards server costs that includes arma servers, website, and teamspeak. Finding a dev that is willing to work without pay and is actually trusted probably won't happen unless a current admin knows what he is doing. To my knowledge no admins are capable of doing this which is why there is one.
  22. See I didn't want to be that guy but if you think Asylum is 100x's better maybe you should make the switch. Posting threads like this doesn't help anything and just starts issues. You also have to realize Asylum has multiple devs.....we have 1.
  23. The problem with this is most of the time the apd do not reply to self defense killings and if someone is constantly texting them about it they tend to stop believing them when they could be telling the truth. Also it wouldn't make any sense to hold them to a higher standard because that's not the case irl. If I kill someone with my legal handgun I'm not going to be charged less then someone who kills them with an ar15
  24. 3 hours till we go ham

    1. Thomas
    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      I think what he is trying to say is hes going to kidnap some ham?

  25. If your question is can people randomly put the gate down the answer is yes. However if they put it down right as you go through causing death that's rdm.
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