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Det. Payne

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Everything posted by Det. Payne

  1. Yes I know, but sadly nowadays medics don't seem to want to get baited into going to red zones and rezzing :/
  2. Awe potp... The good ol days, back when MC didn't even mess with server one... The days of the burrito banditos, and moonshine a plenty, dirty cops to bribe and gullible medics... <3
  3. god damn, what did i come back to....
  4. Now since you deleted your post it makes all of us look bad
  5. you idiot...
  6. Is it plugged in? Have you tried restarting it?
  7. Fun times wrecking as cop then fun times flying like a boss tonight! Fun times!

  8. He's probably not 16 yet...
  9. Had a ton of fun playing with cmf and mc tonight!

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      You guys were like Locusts. Good game though. All Hail The Great Tree.

  10. RIP pc, not sure what died but I'll have to find out before I can do anything. Cords first! Hope it's just the power cord! P.s. Kratos I'll pay you to get a new mk18 when I can get back on.

    1. JPostalMan


      Call for a medic!

    2. Kratos
    3. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      That was crazy stupid literally exited the inventory and perfectly head shot you...

  11. Was there a corporal available? Many times cadets and maybe PO think they can't cant do pardons simply because they can't use the pardon button. Also because under normal rules they also can't even give a cut on tickets.
  12. RIP pc, not sure what died but I'll have to find out before I can do anything. Cords first! Hope it's just the power cord!

  13. When I first got on the force back in the cadet days, I was taught to always heal someone ASAP as it was an ethical thing to do and also to ensure that if they die it won't be due to police negligence. If I were a cop in that situation honestly I'd restrain and if there was a car/cover close by, put them in, otherwise it is extremely tactically unsound to be running around escorting someone. So if personally restrain take comms and finish the fight so that no one "accidentally" dies and things can be taken care of. There is no "right way" to do things like "escort or don't escort" it just depends on the situation and logic should tell you what to do. Keep in mind this is all just my opinion and what I think is logical for the game
  14. Depends what your wanting meaning that it's the cops fault. If he is using you as a meat shield then it's his fault and should be a pardon. If they are actively engaged with someone and decide to escort you or be near you and you are killed, it's collateral damage and the neither shooter and IMO the cop can be responsible. As for restraining and leaving till the situation is resolved, that's just fine, if you are shot with no cop near you that's on the shooter. By collateral damage I mean for example, you're shot down in a heli, engines out and you're going down. You happen to crash right on top of someone... Who's fault is it? No ones. Shit happens
  15. Do you have any evidence? Or just "I say this happened"?
  16. good birthday so far :P

    1. Fastik


      Happy birthday :D

    2. DeathDingo


      Happy Birthday m8!!! If I see u in-game I will be sure to throw you a frag m8 :)

  17. And talk to decent cops who like to role play and have the ability to pardon/reduce a ticket (corp or higher)
  18. Gotta go both ways for full effect, but start with front to back, don't want to get anything on the balls
  19. Well me Seahawks just pulled that outta their asses...

  20. Here's a pic of me! About a year ago house/cat sitting for my cousin -pic too big will upload when I get home
  21. the dream came true... fk u virus! and through a wall! lucky jerk!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      He got me with me 3.4 mil bounty, we lit each other up the. Shot me one shot through a wall and downed me and then took me in.

    3. Fedot
    4. Pringle Mccringleberry
  22. I can see the news now! " this just in! Man seen carrying a heavy firearm around the DC area turns out the be president Obama! Arresting officer to apologize later this evening"
  23. I also somewhat agree, I think that if there were enough higher ups, every new deputy should spend at least an hour "shadowing" a corporal or higher and having the corporal or higher watch and teach him instead of "ok training done now go have fun in kavala!" Or have deputies leave right after training or not even do training. But since there isn't a structure like that the best thing that can be done is what's being done. The rules for cop specifically a deputy are very simple if you already know basic server rules (and you shouldn't even be applying for cop if you don't know those). Granted there are the people who are "street smart" vs the "book smart" but maybe then just as a civ ask to shadow any cop. There are plenty who are willing so give ridealongs. As for letting everyone in and see if they know the rules or to let them learn as they go, that first of all opens the issue that there are enough cops who don't know the rules as you yourself stated, and that the new officers would be very prone to unknowingly break rules thus ruining others play time. Tl;dr: ridealong as a civ if you want hands on learning.
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