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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. are you time limited when you go to the gym? i personally prefer a PPL split with an extra day tagged on for pure cardio (play rugby), what does your cardio setup look like? also give more detail about your leg day or else i wouldnt use c4 bottled pre, ive heard they have high levels of lead in which explains a lot really, i mix my own when im between gorilla mode deliveries and it works out to like 10p per serving, derek from mpmd actually has a great breakdown of c4 in one of his videos idk if im having a reading comprehension moment but is he taking the amino acid pills to help him break down proteins? is he just taking straight protease? how much protein is he eating a day that he needs to take this? does he fucking stink? Bet you love the men’s only saunas and bath houses
  2. what was your postworkout my pre is currently gorilla mind + washing it down with a monster aussie lemonade
  3. I am in my second cycle now, running 500mg test e and 800mg mast e. weighing 90kg / ~200lbs 18% bf. And surprisingly I didn’t turn into an homosexual or started watching femboy porn (only 2 times). But I literally can only cum from sadistic maso bdsm shit where the women gets beaten until she cries (with consent). Mostly into lezdom because I didn’t like seeing dicks. I never told my girlfriend about it, because I knew she wouldn’t be into it, but that bitch took me by surprise and asked me herself last time in my car to start slapping her face. And no I didn’t hold in, maybe punched her a couple of times and now I am not allowed to slap her face again. So that’s a problem I am facing right now, because I can’t even find any escorts that are willing to get beat for money. But besides that the gains are going crazy
  4. "case by case" just means that people the admins like will get away with it, and there's not any more clarity, and the rule is still "unwritten" and open to really wide interpretation
  5. gambling laws, if it was organised and had a payout on this site it may look BAD to regulators
  6. its floppa friday!!!!!!!!

  7. This just in from senior support team – trolling means you can carte blanche VDM people, I’ll quote this on my next ban appeal. If people play the game in non standard ways the correct solution is to not break the rules against them, fairly certain that’s in the server rules. There was staff online, if I was “trolling excessively” why didn’t the multiple staff online including on APD tell me not to do it? Your argument is one of the reasons why people think support team are a joke The IA where I blocked one gate was also declined for similar reasons so your argument doesn't really hold much water here. Can you as staff say that if someone is doing a fed you can ram the cars that the APD use to block the gates, without staff punishment if they blow up? Well said More in detail than any of the case summaries I'd written in law school (phd candidate btw), couple of inaccuracies but I enjoyed the read nonetheless
  8. Why should I give any grace to the APD when I specifically requested not to be channel stacked, knifemaster said no in the dispute, I was moved into the channel and channel stacked anyways? It wasn't some fact finding mission it was just a cross-examination by some sanctimonious basement dwellers and during the cross examination more goons joined? I am 100% justified in taking these "potshots" (criticism with satirical qualities) and I do not care if it looks petty because what happened was very silly as @ Boovin has explained, and as the post in total explains. You were in the TeamSpeak channel stack at the time, why didn't you say any of this rather than just sitting and enjoying the condescension? Stop relying on ""rules"" that aren't written and complaining when people call out the fact that the rules aren't written. There's good reason why actual laws are written down. I will quickly add that I appreciate that you are one of the more reasonable members of the senior APD but quite frankly the way the others act rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
  9. APD tag spotted - ignored It isn't written down anywhere, and it directly contravenes server rules. Sounds mad, enjoy your chat with Winters
  10. The full interview is in the comments on the video. If you weren't such an egotistical liar you'd also know that I had simply reread what @ Sevro had posted in the TeamSpeak channel, and you were smugly reiterating it. The comment is accurate.
  11. this is a serious matter, just because you clench dog shit into your hands as moisturiser doesnt mean you can comment like a fool unwritten rules are unacceptable
  12. i allegedly play with my meat while on olympus thoughts @ Boovin  @ Rufus  @ turbo D  @ -Shawn-  @ Grandma Gary  @ Xlax

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hurricane


      @ johnny goose  and I stroke our hogs mid APD push at feds

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Hog out, milking machine running, wiping cops at fed

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      at $520 its a steal

  13. I was hard VDM'd by @ knifemaster while I was trying to delay the APD responding to the fed, my intent was for the APD to have to get keys and move the plane, or to otherwise move the plane delaying the waves so that the team doing the fed (TP) could have some extra breathing room free of the APD. The planes were used in this instance in the exact same manner in which the APD utilises their cars/hunters/striders to block the gates to the fed so the gold truck cannot escape. I submitted an IA and it was declined. Winters said this: Nowhere in the APD handbook or server rules states that APD officers are allowed to VDM people or ram them to attend a federal event, bearing in mind that the requirement for attendance to a federal event is an APD handbook requirement and the rules against VDM are a server rule. Server rules must take precedence over the APD handbook, as per Winters here: The APD officer in question could've done any of the following: 1. Ask me to move the plane. 2. Slim jim keys to the plane and use the "push plane" feature that exists on the server. 3. Drive to the side of the plane, as another cop already had. Instead of doing any of these options, my vehicle was rammed instead causing the death of myself and another cop. It's beyond the pale that to defend APD members breaking server rules that they would just quote "rules" that are neither in the server rules or in the handbook to instantly come to their defence. Here is a slightly edited version of the TeamSpeak conversation, there's some interesting bits in there that you can quote and use as defence for your VDM reports: Senior APD has the server by the balls and outranks even senior/head admins and even @ Ryan in their ability to just make up the rules to see them and their friends through and to help them avoid punishments. Grow up lads.
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