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Everything posted by tyler11299

  1. why reduce cop and vigi, its already low lol
  2. Any rules on speed bombs? Could not find any
  3. So I lit a orca up with mk200 pull 200 rounds in the middle and back rotor and I'm pretty sure I only damaged it.
  4. got it fixed
  5. They denied my app for medic due to lack of minutes yet when I check how long in my state as civ I have over 500 hours..... who do i take this too?
  6. any way i can get unbanned bro

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hawk


      Just now, max^ said:

      add it too my ticket count @hawk

      Done :4head:

    3. tyler11299


      im so confused lol n i ment to put that in his message not status


    4. Airborne


      You could try gifting him a anime game on steam

  7. offers? heres the screenshot of where it is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1439675549
  8. prefer mxm but sting ill buy too
  9. how much can u make from mohawks? whats the best to do meth, orca I only make 400k n feels like forever '
  10. keep getting errors saying all these tags arent found, only ones i can see is the support team tag any help?
  11. server 1, need as much as i can get!!! msg abdul akbar
  12. any size pref small
  13. any ammount willhmu abdul akbar
  14. ill take u out to mcdonalds, if your good you can have 2 things off the dollar menu
  15. are u him if not then mind your own
  16. TALK TO ME On server 1 for more stuff
  17. Server 1 Abdul akbar
  18. Yes
  19. Hmu Abdul akbar with offer
  20. +1 I dont know how they have t figured it out yet that people dont like vigis, theres like 1k posts about the removal of em
  21. Server prices?
  22. Boohoo
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