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Everything posted by Tyrone

  1. @Monkeysz Alright, tomorrow I can sell it to you, be on around 5pm pacific time. Or tonight if you are on
  2. Selling s1 Safe Rocks House: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/84848348031461725/F40B1F9851356318B77080FE3FB94AF7524B7B36/ Taking Offers
  3. I loved the part where you reported the weather xD
  4. Can confirm, I have them stored in my house for him
  5. Taking offers on dp24 garage S1 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/84845859807561351/A739BD861D043E023C36687B66F744E6069210B6/
  6. Taking offers for a server 1 dp 25 2 crater http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/84842745065828081/DCB6DD647834BB8AFFF343CFDE7E7B4F91012DE1/
  7. That is a very racist name. No one should treat me, [ZF] Tyrone Washington, like that
  8. Looking for Offers on Turtle House, Not looking to sell quick, but I just want to see what I could get for it, It is a 2 crater on server 1: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/100599252361394458/50D2FFAFE0C833CA018EF31953A4D77866E0E592/
  9. Looking for DP 25 3/4 Crater House. PM me or post here
  10. Also got a 4 crater Im selling on server 1
  11. SOLD, No longer seeking offers
  12. @Talindor @Cab00se I guess whoever is on can buy it from me , just pm me when you want me on to get it.
  13. @Cab00se Ill be on soon hopefully, when will you be on
  14. @Talindor Sounds good, if no one else offers higher in about 2 hours its yours. If you don't mind waiting
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