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  1. Mother fucker you said kicked, you just edited it out :'D I know what I read, jabroni The original drug dealllla trilla no realla get spilla , there's no filla for this grilla in the forilla my nilla And i demand gamer pass in the tspeak :'D
  2. Correction, I left NW, I was never kicked. :'D Childishness And I played for 15mins.. and all of a sudden you know everything I do ^_^
  4. Yah, seems accurate for the most part. ^_______^ When I was good I was damn good, when I was bad I was bad as fuck lmao. Yeah she's adorable :'D Stole Mobundo's heart, that's why he's ruthless now, he has no heart And ty sir
  5. Most of you probably didn't notice, but I've been MiA for quite awhile now. Life hits hard sometimes, I have alot of personal stuff going on. On top of that, I have a new job i'll be starting that will be taking up the majority of my time (60hrs+/week) that is out of town, between that and spending time with my daughter and other things going on, I just haven't had time.. or really the will to play Arma... but I will most likely return during late Spring / early Summer. I definitely still have love for this community and you'll see me on the forums just trolling around. So this is my "farewell for now". It really all started back when I left NW, I can blame it on all the immaturity in the gang and lack of structure but mainly I just do not have the time needed to dedicate to be successful, but I love all my homies despite all of our differences, some are just not mature enough to move past it while others are, those others I still enjoy gaming with, you know who you are <3.. I do enjoy all the videos though. Much love everyone. -WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOT?
  6. Soooo.... you don't need to request to get revived.. lol I predict APD abuse.. "Revive this person, revive this person" Ouchies :-\ Very good update though, good work devs ^_^ Lots of updates
  7. no balls
  8. Didn't even know you were still around T.T Never see you. But +1 Mod in my book.. So farewell sir :)
  9. Hooah, special thanks to all my brothers in arms. I love you all
  11. Prayers sent for speedy and healthy recovery. Because I assume he already made it through the surgery, which is half the struggle, whatever the surgery was for idk. ^_^ Still nonetheless.
  12. LOL And it was real.
  13. I completely agree and understand. It's why I don't play as much. Too old for the shit I guess ^_^ :-p
  14. omg. idk why this was so funny. I literally lol'd
  15. Sorry, who are you exactly? ^_^
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