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Everything posted by noah:)

  1. How many MXs, CMRs and Type115s?
  2. As the title says — looking for any kind of taser. Post what you have and the price range below, or PM it to me.
  3. Already sold. Better house here —
  4. Vigi's talk so much shit when then capture you. I guess they have to celebrate the small victories -- they never get big ones.

    1. Unjo


      Probably because the rebel is threatening to alt f4 lol

    2. Hoonter


      vigis be like "Lol youre so bad kid with i shot you in the back when you had a rook and were war point farming cant wait to send you to jail Mr. Hoonter you are wanted for 3 gang homicides for a total of 75k"

  5. Okay well get back to me I guess.
  6. yikes. no mk1. I'll do 500k for the MXM. Any MX's though??
  7. I'll do 900 for both MK1 and MXM. Also you got any more MX's?
  8. for both or separate?
  9. What's still for sale? MXM? MX?
  10. Rough estimate on what you want for mk1 and mxm taser?
  11. Still selling meth
  12. House sold.
  13. I don't want the house. Like I said, if you want to offer or direct someone here I don't mind, but don't troll.
  14. Deal. PM me your steam and when you want to meet
  15. Get off the post shitter.
  16. Didn’t need advice, really. If you want to offer the house is still up
  17. Frog house has been sold. Meth house still for sale.
  18. The ability to push back planes would be so nice. The amount of times I lost shit is insane.

    1. NokiaStrong


      Pull a car and break the tree

    2. noah:)


      Stuck on the pylons at airfield @NokiaStrong :FeelsBad:

    3. NokiaStrong


      Pull a car and push the plane

  19. I said 550k up above.
  20. How much for 5 MXs?
  21. 5 MXs for 550k? Pictures would be nice.
  22. you selling out cheap or full price?
  23. I don't want them and I need the money. So yes.
  24. bump
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