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Mr Liam

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Everything posted by Mr Liam

  1. Been a long time since I set foot on the island and as usual was not disappointed by what I found. But hey change isn't needed when you have a world like this one right? Just got a new PC for Christmas and playing on ULTRA is really weird when I used to only play in SUPER potato... Man I missed this Toxic environment so much. Thinking of coming back though I'm broke, have no cars, and can barely afford food. I'm a newbie again! Was wondering I have a weird keyboard is there a way to rekey the windows key for collection/menu use? Sorry for being all over the place, It's like 12am and I just got done watching Kavala be a FFA zone so I'm a bit fried...
  2. Ok so for the most part Frame drops and graphic bugs seem to be worked out for most. But for some reason when I enter a house/building or go first person in a car I get bad graphic/sound bugs still. I'm sure everyone has a fix for it. I wanna play but being kicked out of game cause an APD is processing me or I have to sit in a house till people stop hunting me isn't fun. Windows 10 64bit (Up to date) AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor (Up to date) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 60hz (Up to date) RAM: 8189 Mb (DDR3) I know its a pretty shit PC but it was affordable when I have little money.
  3. Mr Liam


    Sounds more like every cop I encounter then Vigi... Except cops are loved less. The only difference between Cop and Vigi is Cops can swarm servers and get bigger guns. Same difference 70% of the time. Just saying...
  4. Can someone Source a CREDIBLE Armor rating for all clothing/vests on Arma 3? Maybe people need to see Default armor ratings for both Clothing and armor to better Appreciate this poll? And or make a better informed decision?
  5. Wow... Why did I watch this... Why...
  6. Happy Birthday Old man.

  7. To be perfectly honest I have found this issue to be a constant from Derp to Patrol Officer. Most Hurry along Processing, Troll, or just flat out ignore you. Yes you can only hear, "I lost my keys and had to lock pick my car", so many times. But how can you keep RP fresh when you don't know what ANYONE ELSE in your position has already said. I for one have a half decent defense to Lock picking that most Corps and higher will OK and as a Vigi I carry Lock picks and normally don't get charged unless I have a grand theft or attempted grand theft. Even then though I play my card and NORMALLY I can get off from the charge. But PO's and Derps don't normally RP and will ignore you, list, then ticket. This is 80% of my experience with PO's and Derps. Most Higher ranks will spend 2-5 minutes TALKING even if they know a large group of very angry Rebels will be coming soon. Sorry TD;LR: I support this movement as a Civilian who has said since he started here Cops need more RP training. Whether the RP is bad on either end Cops should take the higher road in RP servers.
  8. Honestly no one takes anything seriously with the amount of shit going on anymore. Putting people straight to jail for Hostage situation or escaping jail wont discourage the act any more then the Ban on cutting kidneys with victim is in APD Custody worked. Not saying remove the ability to take hostages but don't think the community that simple that sending people straight to jail will "Discourage" or "Make them take it seriously". Sure this isn't a constructive post but its honest. Side note: Timer might be useful.
  9. So I wanna say I hate the crate system. Yeah its awesome we have a spot to store 100k - 100m worth of items in safe houses around the map. But there is NEVER any safety or guarantee your items are safe. So July 15th I posted a warning after having over 200k in items stolen from one of my houses I know for a fact was Locked and the crates were locked. Today I witnessed but couldn't record someone possibly glitching INTO my crate and stealing a gun from it. I was standing there crates locked, doors locked and shut, but somehow I lose 1 gun out of my crate. So Can someone explain HOW do you keep items safe without just staying offline. Cause if people know where you live they can rob you any time apparently. No player found glitch or not it seems.
  10. Holy shit your young... Happy Birthday Boss!

  11. I remember it was higher then meth. Not by much but back then the market actually fluctuated as people sold so occasionally things would be WAY higher then the normal sell price.
  12. 5 Hemmit Box, 1 Tempest Device, 1 Zamak Covered, and 1 Offroad. Shroom Pizzas(Retired item that had a higher sale then Blue crystal and Moonshine)... Total money made around 45 MILLION. The split was round 6+ Million EACH. Sadly this item was removed because it was Very OP for items gathered to sale. The items needed were Yeast and Magic Mushrooms. So you'd need to pick Mushrooms then Process those then go collect Yeast then process the lot. The chance of being caught was worse then if you do any high end runs today. Our run was interrupted once which was taken care of quickly as it was only 2 people vs 9 cause 2 more people showed up as we processed to defend. This group has since broken up and most don't play as much as they used to and I lost the money due to the server reboot afew years ago.
  13. Huh I'm pretty sure I should be on this list...
  14. Server 1, I placed a bug report already and told both Muth and Tman about it on TS. Hopefully ya'lll nip this in the bud before it gets too outta control.
  15. No, it happens to be in Kavala.
  16. Well no they fixed it so you couldn't access crates for awhile. But it became a thing again I suppose after Apex release. As for the "No player Found" Bug I don't know that one but please tell the admins about it so people can be safer still.
  17. So today 7/15 between the hours of 1am-2am est I went into one of my houses and found the crates were emptied of MOST of the gear it had in it. After soft log, disconnecting and logging, and even a restart my items were NOT returned to me. If you have this issue please report it IMMEDIATELY! I'm not sure WHO did it or HOW they did it but I figured I'd warn the Populace this might be a thing again and that if your house is well known you might want to make sure your items are still in the crates. Before you ask: *Yes my house was LOCKED and no one was bolt cutting at the time. *Yes my storage was Locked because the T menu still had everything in it. *No I did not witness this event, merely stumbled into the remains of my items in the crates. This is not a cry for Comp but a warning to those who may have crates where people can get at them.
  18. I would post pictures but I'd rather leave that as a surprise to those interested. I know this is awkward sale post but I don't want the house and I don't wanna just outright sell it. If interested lemme know, It isn't near the square but the location is quite good I swear it.

    Large Crates for everyone cause small crates SUCK!

    1. Fuzy


      A lot of people already have them so donating wouldn't really benefit them very much.

  20. I hope everyone donates this month. Would hate to see Large crates not be publicly Buyable.

  21. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/494645911100877598/210FE9C2E22DBCE50839D1EB7B43F11B18A0170E/ So this happened... Then the crates flew around the room an killed me. Why is this glitch still real???
  22. I try to play both servers when I see an opening...
  23. Virus had a big bounty but I forget how much it was. That was back before the roll over.
  24. Man, I have met some bad cops but when they are thirsty for money and being a bad cop... Can we get a stricter APD standard please!

    1. babooshka


      I tilde people with 1 assault charge :blink:

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      We TILDE everyone. That's not an understatement.  However, we act on those with bounties over 150K and/or any and all unlawful activity we witness.  Remember that we have many newcomers and we have been babysitting them as much as we can.  If you feel there is a pattern regarding this, please let me know with names ( via PM or TS ) and the situations in particular you were involved in.  

    3. Muthinator


      I like to add charges to innocent people wondering in Kavala, then kidnap and send them to jail and collect the bounty. The kicker, I dont even need the money!  Bah haa ha ha! 


      Just kidding, that's all fictional.  But wouldn't it be hilarious!  Imagine the rage.

  25. I kinda wish people would be more patient. As an R&R and especially for the Grounded members we need to Drive or Respawn if we are NO WHERE CLOSE to the victim requesting. But people Either DC or Respawn before you get there cause they don't like waiting more then 5 minutes. Sorry I'm not in the air and Instantly near you to help you... On topic it is stupid to know you got there and they DCed but like someone said, "You get paid, mark it, then move on"(Paraphrased). My thing is I get yelled at in Side cause impatient people think telling the medic off is a good idea.
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