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spotlight uh

R&R Medic
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About spotlight uh

APD Officer
  • Birthday 09/05/2002

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. o7 m8
  2. i had a whole cop uni on along with the gun and i strolled around with them for a bit
  3. where my sting at bby
  4. ur right i dont
  5. y’all ever get deep in thought and think if i actually pulled a gun out irl would i say “hands up or die” to someone before i shot them. is this just me i feel like i’m so used to this if i just shot someone irl i feel like i’d get banned from life.
  6. ill shoot u a gyazo and show u my heroin and frog house when i get home straight west of heroin pro
  7. 1.2 mil dms
  8. i don’t even know you but o7
  9. offer for mxm?
  10. how much u wanna pay for mxm
  11. i like sandman he’s doing a real good job rn and he actually plays a lot and is active. on the other hand so is nerdy and i’ve played w nerdy many times so nerdy would be a good future chief def
  12. i meant in game money...
  13. this is why no one likes u
  14. Hello, i have somehow ended up with absolutely no money so if anyone would like to donate me money or loan me money i would love you forever thanks
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