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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. cs gonna be a whole ass cheater fest
  2. Can he banned for server removal yet...
  3. Values havent changed at all from what they were previous, they just made the renown points look like they are allot. If that makes sense.
  4. armed huron on auction house
  5. offer or message me on discord
  6. Selling 2x mar-10 2x dms 2x 338 supp
  7. bump still selling
  8. fuck aegis
  9. Hey fellas, we are selling a DP23 moonshine gang shed. Fully upgraded. Hit me up on here or discord with offers. .zeroblade
  10. Maybe an idea for the stats page devs to make it where you can see "my listings" on the auction house.

    1. -dante-


      retweet +1 

  11. what have i missed?
  12. HONESTLY true we need that yeah whoever wins
  13. This better be a start of something with "high roller" tournaments aswell. Bigger buy-ins
  14. Was i playing while being asleep again? frick man
  15. ZeroBlade


    @ Sevro we need to talk about this immediately
  16. Looking to see what i can get for some of this stuff. Feel free to message me on discord .zeroblade
  17. Not sure how i managed on the first try.


    1. buckie


      Give Thor 100 dollars or shut the fuck up u broke rat 

    2. Clashingtin


      I tried this and got demoted smh

  18. ZeroBlade


    You have a mental illness
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