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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. Everyone has it completely wrong and im tired of it. Im gonna set it straight, armed planes are not the problem. The problem is Viper #nerfViper
  2. Im just bothered by the sheer stupidity a human could possibly accumulate.
  3. Well if your so smart and love comparing yourself to a god why dont you just make your own
  4. Yea because there is so much evidence that Jesus even existed. Not to mention even if he is real, why are you comparing yourself to him. Jesus helped people while you sit on a forums for an arma server and complain about everything theyre doing wrong
  5. at this point we might as well abolish the staff team
  6. Thats it! I dont want to even have to put in player reports anymore. You guys take WAYYY TOOO LONG to look at them! SO I AM DEMANDING THAT I BE ABLE TO BAN ANYONE THAT I FEEL JUST AT ANY MOMENT IN TIME! If someone says hi to me, BANNED. Someone wire transfers me 2 mil, BANNED! This will surely fix the problem of guilty players not being dealt with.
  7. Did you put in a ban appeal to find out what you were banned for?
  8. https://gyazo.com/e6a0a88d09951493f12c9abfab438b23
  9. U do realize its a 1 armor right lol. I can wear that and a bike helmet
  10. Ill will beat the shit out of you fatass

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheKingSage


      He's literally the most anorexic dickwads I know, kid literally weights 90 pounds... you'd swear his mother just birthed the little queer.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      U look like a fuckin bowling ball on steroids u fatass onion

    4. TheKingSage


      I can get off to that

  11. I only use my keyboard to actually manipulate the Heli. I use mouse for camera doh
  12. Altis is the only place where a houses value goes up when its in the middle of a massive gang activity and high crime rate area
  13. That’s what the forums are for. Have you seen rapidkillz ideas?
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